Joe Imagine: Pizza Runs With An Old Friend

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It was just another day for the rising band Fall Out Boy as they hung out in Joe's parents's basement. Pete and Andy were playing video games while Patrick cheered on and Joe was lightly strumming his guitar. All of that was disrupted by a cheery voice.

"Fall Out Boy!" Pete paused the game, looking at his bandmates.

"No way, that isn't..." He asked in shock.

"But it is." Andy smiled. You came down the stairs making jazz hands.

"Hey losers!" You giggled.

"(Y/N)!" Patrick laughed in surprise. He was the first to run to hug you, followed by Pete and Andy. Joe just sat on the chair, a blush forming on his face. You were his crush back in high school for 4 years.

"Joseph Trohman?! What the hell are you doing on that couch. I have arrived!" You laughed. Joe got up and hugged you, a small smile on his face.

"It's good to see you again, (Y/N)." He said.

"Good? It's a freaking blessing! (Y/N) fucking (L/N). I honestly never thought we'd see each other again." Pete gushed.

"Come on Peter. Control your emotions. Like I know I'm hot, but damn." You joked. Pete laughed and pulled you into his arms.

"I love her. That's it. I just wanna marry you and even take your last name." He smiled.

"Sorry Wentz, but you're not the one pinning for." You smirked.

"Our (Y/N)? Finally looking to settle down with one boy and stop all the flirting? Say it ain't so!" Patrick gasped. Joe's heart stopped. You had a crush on someone?

"Yup. I actually came down to see him." You smiled.

"Well we all know it's me, so clear out and allow me to make out with my future wife in peace." Andy joked. You giggled before kissing Andy's cheek.

"Sorry sweetheart, but it's not you either." You said.

"Well, is anyone hungry?" Joe cut in, hoping to change the conversation.

"Dude yes! Go and grab us pizza." Pete smiled.

"I'm not your slave." Joe scoffed back.

"Oh come on Joey. I'll come and keep you company. Besides, you've barely said 10 words to me since I got here." You begged. Just as Joe was about to protest, you grabbed his arm and dragged him to your car.

"This is kidnapping." He sighed as you shoved him into the passenger seat.

"Not if you want it." You winked, sliding into the drivers side. Joe blushed before looking out the window. You giggled driving to the pizza shop. Joe picked up the pizza and brought it back to the car.

"Okay, let's go." He said. You just looked at him, a smirk on your lips.

"(Y/N) come on. Pete's gonna have a bitch fit if he doesn't get his pizza." Joe whined. You didn't say anything, but instead continued to stare at him.

"What?" Joe yelled. You lived closer to him, grabbing his face in your hands.

"I know you love me. I can see it in your eyes." You said softly.

"You're bluffing." Joe said breathlessly. You laughed and traced your thumb along his lips.

"Joe, you've had a crush on me since high school and I, forever the idiot, was waiting for you to make the first move, but I'm done with that. I want you now." You stated, crashing your lips into his. Joe was shocked for a moment but kissed back taking your face in his hands.

Meanwhile, back at the basement. Pete sat on the couch, a pissed off expression on his face.

"Where the fuck are they with my pizza?" He grumbled.

A/N: So for those of you who read the last imagine, I have spoken to my friend and told her about all the lovely things you said about her and the last imagine. Although she refuses to make a wattpad account, she has agreed to corrupt, ehem, I mean teach me her ways of writing smut. *cue sarcasm* this should be fun...

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