Andy Imagine: Finding Love In A Frog's Stomach Pt. 3

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Previously on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

"Miss (L/N) and mister Hurley, so nice of you to join us." Your bio teacher said sarcastically.

"Sorry sir." You apologized.

"It's fine (Y/N), but you and Andrew are gonna have to stay after school today and complete the whole lab. It's a huge part of your grade." He said. You froze and looked at Andy. Staying after school with Andy and a dead frog...if the frog's insides didn't make you faint, Andy's adorableness would.

Now on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

As soon as the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, you went straight to the biology room. Maybe if you found a way to do the lab alone, you wouldn't have to embarrass yourself in front of Andy. When you opened the door, Andy was already standing there, goggles on along with gloves and scalpel.

"Hey, what took you so long?" He smirked. That smirk! He's so freaking cute!! You had to take a deep breath before letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Class was on the first floor." You replied, putting down your backpack.

"So, Mr. Henderson left the instructions for the lab. He needed a coffee run." Andy explained.

"Cool." You sighed, putting on your goggles and gloves. You looked down at the frog and felt your head begin to spin. Andy put his hand on the small of your back, making your head spin even more.

"Hey, you don't have to watch if you don't want to. I'll do the lab for the both of us." Andy suggested softly. You looked into his concerned eyes and shook your head.

"No, I can do this." You argued, taking the scalpel from Andy's hand. You placed it over the frogs chest and pushed in, breaking the skin. Andy came up behind you and placed his hand over your shaking one.

"Let me help." He whispered into your ear. He guided your hand and the scalpel down the frog, until it was completely cut.

"Oh my gosh, I did it!" You gasped in surprise, looking over at Andy.

"You did it!" He chuckled. You jumped into him arms, dropping the scalpel. He hugged you laughing at you giddy state. When Andy put you back on the ground, you both looked at each other, smiles still not leaving your faces. You don't know if it was due to your success in cutting the frog, or if you'd completely lost it, but at that moment you did something bold. You grabbed Andy by the shoulders and crashed your lips into his. He responded back immediately by wrapping his hands around your waist and pulling you in closer.

All the while, the dead frog just laid there, it's inner organs exposed to your new found love.

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