Patrick Imagine: Toothbrush

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A/N: Inspired by the song Toothbrush by DNCE. Im not entirely sure why, but I love that song rn. Enjoy!

Patrick's eyes took a moment to adjust to the light that flooded his bedroom. He was never a morning person, but when he noticed the lack of warmth from his chest, he woke up in a start. He rubbed his eyes, visions of the night before dancing behind his eyelids. He opened them once again, hearing the padding of your bare feet. Patrick opened his eyes to see you standing by the door, wearing his t-shirt and your underwear.

"(Y/N)?" He mumbled. You turned, your messy hair looking almost comical.

Patrick had been seeing you for about a few weeks. You had both been on few dates that almost always ended in his room.

When he first caught sight of you in the bar that Pete dragged him to, he knew you were beautiful and wanted to get to know you. Figures you both got so wasted and woke up the next morning tangled in sheets. Funny thing is, Patrick didn't mind seeing your face as he woke up. He didn't want this to just be a one night stand.

Ever since then you both had been casually seeing each other and just enjoying the relationship you had. But as Patrick watched you standing there, a very visible hickey placed on your neck, he couldn't help wanted more.

"Morning Patrick. I was just on my way out." You chuckled nervously. Patrick stretched and sat up, leaning against the headboard.

"Maybe you don't have to rush..." He suggested.

"What do you mean?" You asked, nose scrunching up in confusion. Patrick chuckled slightly, running a hand through his hair.

"You can stay a while longer. Hell, maybe next time when you come over you can leave a toothbrush or something. No reason to run off." He explained. You smiled, realizing what Patrick was suggesting.

"Are you being serious about this?" You asked. Patrick just smiled and snuggled back into the sheets of the bed. He looked at you through lidded eyes, eyebrow raised suggestively.

"Do you mind closing the bedroom door?" He yawned. You giggled and closed the door before hopping back into bed with Patrick. He kissed your shoulder and pulled you closer into his chest as you both fell back asleep.

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