Andy Imagine: What Do You Mean "Only One Bed"?

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You opened your eyes to Pete shaking your shoulders.

"Come on, we have gas and we're ready to go." He said. You groaned, rolling out of bed. You brushed your teeth and threw on a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Yes (Y/N), you look beautiful! Can we go now?" Pete asked.

"Thank you Peter for so nicely rushing me." You mumbled, sleepily. Pete chuckled and pushed you out of the motel room. You walked outside and saw everyone waiting at the front of the motel.

"Finally woke her up guys." Pete announced proudly. One pair of eyes were the only ones that caught your attention. Andy was watching with a blush on his face and then you realized what had happened when you woke up the first time.

You kissed him.

Your face burned hot as Andy made his way over to you.

"So...had a good sleep?" He asked softly.

"Uh...yeah." You stuttered awkwardly.

"The kiss wasn't bad...incase you think I thought it was."


"I-I liked it. A lot." You blushed again as Andy took your hand in his.

"I liked it too." You smiled slightly. Andy smiled back and walked to the car, your hand intertwined in his.

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