Pref #15: Soulmate AUs Pt.2

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"You look...different from what I expected." Patrick smiled.

"And you look shorter than I imagined." You teased. Patrick chuckled, showing off a dazzling smile.

"I mean, in my life, I wasn't always so lucky. I can see now that all my luck was spent on getting me a gorgeous soulmate." He joked. You giggled and blushed.

"You were never this charming before." You smiled.

"Well it's hard to express the full extent of my charm when I'm writing on my arm."

"Point taken." Patrick bit his lip and shrugged his shoulders.

"So, how's about a proper date? I mean, I already know a bunch about you, but this time we get to talk face to face." He suggested.

"That sounds great Patrick." You said genuinely. Patrick smiled in relief and kissed your cheek.

"Coffee shop tomorrow. I'll write the details." He said.

"Okay. I'll check my arm." You joked. Patrick laughed before walking away leaving you ecstatic for your date.


Joe woke up and was met with a pain in his chest.

"What the hell?" He mumbled. He closed his eyes and hoped the pain would go away. He didn't want to wake you with his trivial pains. When the pain didn't go away, he picked up his phone to call and see if you're okay.

"(Y/N)?" He asked as you picked up.

"I...I'm sorry." You panted.

"The pain, it's yours? What happened? This hurts like a bitch."

"I...I was cleaning out my friend's guns and forgot to put the safety on."

"(Y/N) (L/N)! Do not tell me you shot yourself with a gun."

"...I think I punctured my lung."

"Oh god, did you call the police?"

"They're coming but I'm not gonna make, Joe. I'm so sorry."

"(Y/N), I'm not about to lose my soulmate. Just hang in there."

"I'm hanging." You and Joe stayed on the phone until the ambulance arrived. The new scar both you and Joe obtained looked pretty awesome in a survivor kind of way.


You were driving.

You were driving when your whole world morphed back to black and white. When that happened, you hit the breaks quickly and pulled out your phone to call Pete. The phone rang until voicemail.

Deep inside, you knew what happened.

It's very rare.

Not everyday your soulmate dies and takes your sight with them.


"The voice in my head! Great to meet you." You cheered

"Andy Hurley, and you are?" Andy chuckled.

"(Y/N) (L/N). It's really great to actually see and feel you."

"Likewise." You hugged Andy quickly and pulled back.

"So, what do we do now? I mean, we've only ever communicated over our brains." You asked.

"Let's continue to do that." Andy smirked as he sent a thought your way,

"I think you look beautiful." Andy thought. You blushed and thought back,

"Your ass is cute." Andy snickered but nodded.

"I honestly wasn't meant to get any soulmate but you." He thought back.

"You betcha."

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