Pete Imagine: All Lights On You

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"Pete, there are more people on stage other than Miss (L/N)." Your drama teacher sighed. Pete smiled sheepishly from the light box and waved a hand.

"Sorry Dr. C! I'll do better!" He yelled. You snickered at the boy's antics while everyone else looked at you in confusion. Your school play of Little Mermaid was quickly approaching and today was your first day practicing with the cast and crew; with cast in make up and costumes. The mermaid costume you had to wear was a little bit tight and the tail was weird but whatever.

Landing your first role with a name this year as Allana the Mersister (A/N: That's my role!) was a major accomplishment, meaning everyone you knew was coming to this show. You wanted to make sure it was awesome. Pete Wentz, one of your classmates, decided that joining the crew would be a great way to get to know you better (being that he had a huge crush on you since you were both 12).

"Okay, everyone take 5 and then we're running from Daughters of Triton." Dr. C said. You quickly shimmied down the stage stairs and took a seat in the audience chairs.

"Snagged you a water." A voice said. You looked to see Pete holding out a bottle of Poland Spring. You smiled and took it gratefully.

"Thanks Pete. Hey, what's with you shining the spotlight on me all the time?" You said as he sat next to you. He ran his hand through his blond dyed hair and blushed.

"Well, don't tell anyone this, but I pretty much think you're the star of the show. You deserve the spotlight (Y/N)." He confessed. It was your turn to blush after he said that.

"'s really-" you were cut off by the sound of a whistle blowing.

"Back to work!" Dr. C called. You looked at Pete apologetically.

"Hey, how about we talk more about this later over pizza? My treat." He offered. You smiled and nodded your head.


To be continued...

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