Andy Imagine: Crash

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A/N: Inspired by the song by You Me At Six. Also there is mild talk of sex, nothing too major I hope.

*12 Years Ago*

Andy watched you with careful eyes as you sat next to him on the park bench. He was worried.

Worried that you didn't love him.

Worried that you were hiding things from him.

Worried you were cheating on him.

This is the first serious relationship he's been in and he didn't know how to act. He hoped he was a good enough boyfriend, and hoped that you could see how hard he was trying. He liked you a lot.

"So who'd you go to that party with again? I can't remember her name. Patrice, Patty?" He asked nonchalantly. You looked over at him, a small smile on your face.

"You mean Penny. Yeah, we went to Jack and Alex's party." You replied.

"Zack was there?"

"Yeah and so was Rian. You know those four guys are attached to the hip." Andy nodded and looked up at the starry sky. You looked like you were telling the truth, so why didn't he believe you? In fact, why did he almost not care about it? If this was the supposed love of his life, why didn't he care more.

"I don't love you." Andy realized, saying it aloud.

"What?" You asked.

"I don't love you. I just...this isn't gonna work out."

"'re breaking up with me?"

"I'm sorry." You stood up abruptly, the moonlight shining off the tears in your eyes.

"No, I'm sorry for wasting your time." You sniffled. You turned and left Andy sitting alone in the park.

*12 Years Later*

Andy sat on a date as the girl Pete set him up with just rambled on about her love for drummers.

Obviously a groupie, Andy thought.

He rested his head on his hand and just looked at the girl. He never even got her name. Probably Nicole. Pete always set him up with Nicole's. As Andy looked at the girl he realized it was happening again. He didn't see the boring girl who was looking to get laid. He saw you.

He's always seen you ever since he grew up and realized he broke up with you for such a stupid reason. You would always be the one that got away. Andy was pulled back into reality when Nicole (??) took his hand in hers.

"So is it true drummers hit it harder?" She asked, her eyes glazed over with lust. Andy just smiled politely because that's who he was. He led Nicole to her car and told her he would call (even though he'd thrown away her number as soon as he realized this wasn't the girl for him). She drove off and Andy was left, walking the streets of L.A. at 1 in the morning. He walked to a nearby park and sat down on the bench. He looked up at the stars and remembered you and the tears he put in your eyes. When he looked next to him, he saw a woman with (H/C) hair and (S/C) skin. She was nervously playing with her fingers.

"Hi." Andy said softly. The woman turned and Andy recognized those eyes he hadn't seen in 12 years. Now as a 28 year old woman, he was pleased that your eyes stayed the same.

"(Y/N)." He breathed out, a smile forming on his face.

"Andy?" You replied, in shock.

"It's been a while."

"Definitely." Andy talked to you for what seemed like days, but was only an hour and a half. You really had grown since your teenage years, along with him.

"Wow, it's like fate put us back here." Andy tried for a joke.  You looked around and laughed.

"You're right. You broke up with me in a park." You chuckled lightly. Andy bit his lip and grabbed your hand.

"Well, nothing's in our way now." He stated nervously.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"Opposites attract, (Y/N). I mean, I ran the last time, but fate brought us back now. Maybe that's not such a bad thing."

" broke up with me."

"I know, but that was a mistake. We were young and we didn't know what love was. I was impatient and paranoid and lost the best thing I ever had. I know that now. Now, all I wanna do is go for it." Andy said looking into your eyes. You looked back into his and realized he was right. You do love Andy, and he's always been the one. He will always be the only one. One thing led to another and within the next hour you were tossed on Andy's bed, pinned under his body, with his arms wrapped around you. The moment his lips touched yours felt like the initial impact of a car crash; it was shocking and eye opening. All your senses were heightened as you let yourself crash into the throws of pleasure. Andy on the other hand could only think of one thing seeing you under him:

This was his second chance.

And he took it as he crashed his lips back to yours, never intending on letting go again.

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