Joe Imagine: Lost Pt. 2

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Previously, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

"Joseph, I'm going to throw up!" You interrupted. Joe's eyes went wide as he guided you to the new bathroom, where you threw up everything in your stomach.

"Are you okay (Y/N)? I can drive you to the hospital?" Joe suggested. You nodded your head as you weakly walked to the car.

"Good idea."

Now, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

*November 2008*

You sat on the hospital bed, shock written all over your face.

"P-Pregnant? Me?" You asked.

"Yes, Ms. (L/N). 1 month along." Your doctor smiled. Joe laughed in disbelief and smiled at you.

"We're gonna have a baby." He gasped in happiness.

*May 2009*

You smiled at the light blue color of the nursery. The small butterflies that so intricacy lined the walls, making your heart flutter in glee.

"Hey, I'm leaving now. You need anything?" Joe asked, coming behind you. You turned to him and shook your head.

"I only wish you could stay with us." You pouted. Joe sighed and rested his hands on your 7 month baby bump.

"I do too, but this is an important meeting. It's about our future as a band, okay baby?" Joe explained. You bit your lip, nodding your head.

"Alright, I'll see you later. I love you." Joe said, kissing you. He then bent down to your stomach and pulled up your shirt to expose your pregnant belly.

"I'll see you when I get home little one. Don't worry, I'll be back in time to kiss you and mommy goodnight." He whispered, kissing your stomach. You smiled and watched as Joe left with a wave of his hand. You sat in the nursery for a little while longer, before going to take care of some dishes in the sink. On your way downstairs, you didn't take notice of Joe's empty guitar case, tripping over it and falling down the stairs...front first. You landed on your side at the bottom of the stairs with tears streaming down your face from the pain of the fall and fear for your baby. You saw your phone on the kitchen table, but you couldn't move to get it. You were paralyzed with shock.

"Help." You whispered. It was the best you could do, hoping that someone would come and find you.

To be continued...

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