Andy Imagine: What Do You Mean "Only One Bed"?

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"We're going down, down enguhrleier round! And sugar we're going down swinging! I'll be your number one with a bullet! I know you've got cornflakes cocky a pulley!" You sang along with Marie, Elisa, Meagan, and Sarah. You were all going on a road trip with the guys and Brendon, you coming along being the guys' best friend (besides each other)

"Har har, very funny." Patrick replied drily. Elisa giggled and kissed his cheek.

"It's alright Trick we all still love ya!" You teased.

"Yeah, I bet." He mumbled. You turned to see Andy smiling at you.

"What?" You asked.

"You're an asshole, but the good kind." He smirked. You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him. You and Andy had always been good friends, plus you found him highly attractive.

"Guys, problem!" Pete called from behind the wheel.

"What is it?" Meagan asked. The car sputtered and stopped before Pete turned to everyone with a sheepish smile.

"I forgot the gas." He said.

The whole car was filled with groans of disappointment.

"Hey, good news! There's a motel right there. We can stay the night." Joe pointed out.

"Fuck yeahhhhhh. I am exhausted!" Brendon sang. Sarah chuckled and rolled her eyes at him. You all piled out of the car and walked to the motel, aside from Pete who had to call a tow company. You walked with your backpack on your bag and a sweater on your shoulders. It was cold for a summer night. Suddenly you felt a warm presence behind you.

"Cold?" Andy asked. You smiled at him and shook your head.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking though." Andy nodded before moving away from you. You always made him so nervous and he just wanted to be near you a lot.

"Okay guys, I'm gonna go in and see how much rooms they have available." Patrick said. You all waited outside for about 5 minutes until Patrick came back holding 5 room cards.

"Okay, five rooms. Luckily we got the last 5. Andy and (Y/N) you guys are gonna have to share." He explained. You blushed, looking over at Andy.

"Okay." You simply replied. You all made your way to the rooms, past shady looking people.

"Listen, if I'm missing tomorrow, I bet you it's anyone of these people here." You whispered to Andy he chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Nah, I think you'd be safe enough with me." He assured you. When you both got to your room. One thing stood out to you.

"Where am I supposed to sleep?" You asked. Only on tiny bed say in the room along with a couch with springs sticking out of it and a old TV set.

"You can take the bed and I'll take the floor." Andy offered.

"Andy I'm not making you sleep on the floor. We're just gonna have to make this work." You sighed. Of course it was gonna be awkward sharing such a small bed with Andy. His body was literally gonna be pressed up against yours. You weren't entirely sure how you'd survive the night. Andy crawled into bed first and you followed. You scooted onto the bed and heard Andy gasp audibly. Next the you knew, something was poking you in your back.

"Is that a pen in your pocket or are you just happy to see me." You teased, honestly unable to stop yourself. Andy blushed before turning away from you.

"Goodnight (Y/N)." He mumbled. You giggled and kissed his cheek, wrapping to arms around him.

"You're so cute. Good night Andy." You sighed.

To be continued...

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