Joe Imagine: The Feeling Pt. 2

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Joe's POV

My eyes widened watching the three small dots pop up on the text message screen.

"What's got you all smiley?" Andy asked, nudging my shoulder.

"It's nothing." I groaned.

"Why you lyin' Joe hoe. I know you're texting that girl again." Pete smirked.

"Woah, there's a girl? What's her name? Who is she?" Patrick asked excitedly.

"You remember (Y/N)? From elementary?" I smiled.

"(Y/N)? I remember her! What does she look like now?" Pete asked. I pulled up a picture on my phone and let everyone look at it.

"Damn! She's hot." Andy commented.

"Yeah. She really glowed up." I sighed.

"She wasn't ugly before." Patrick said.

"Yeah, but she was beautiful and now she's gorgeous." 

"Aww, you're such a sap. So when do we get to see your girlfriend?" Pete asked.

"Well...she's not exactly my girlfriend." I mumbled.

"Joseph Mark Trohman, do not let a girl that you like so much slip away from you." Pete ordered.

"I'm gonna ask her, it's just...I'm scared." I confessed.

"Why?" Patrick asked.

"It's like...when she's around me, my heart is literally racing. I can heart my heartbeat in my ears. (Y/N), she has a tendency to be passionate over certain things, and it is so very amusing to watch the way her eyes light up. She gets to tongue tied and apologized a lot and I think it's so sweet. (Y/N) is everything I want, but don't deserve." I explained.

"Bullshit. You deserve the best, man, and don't ever think you don't." Andy said.

"Honestly Joe, she might make you happier than any other girl could, based on the way you talk about her." Patrick smiled.

"Andy and Patrick are right. I want you to grow a pair and ask this girl out. Don't let her go." Pete said encouragingly.

"Okay, I will." I smiled. I looked down at my phone as it vibrated.

Wanna hang out l8r? My friends r excited 2 meet you. They think ur good 4 me and I think they're right ;)

I bit my lip and texted back.

Yeah. I'm gonna bring my friends 2. They remember you, but wanna see you again. Pizza shop @ 8?

My phone went off again and the response made me smile.

Yeah, it's lit.

A/N: this is really late! I'm sorry. I was working a 9-5 today at school for play practice. Next week is hell week and then we open the show on Thursday. I'm so nervous/excited!!! Thanks for reading guys!!!!

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