Patrick Imagine: Baby Talk

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"Aren't you the cutest thing I've ever seen! Yes you are, yes you are!" You cooed to Saint, holding him in your arms. You loved babies so much because they were just so innocent and unaware.

"(Y/N), why are you talking to him like that. It's...weird." Patrick asked walking up to you and Saint. You scoffed and started rocking with Saint.

"Don't mind your uncle Patrick. He's just a fuddy duddy! Right?! Yes he is, yes he is!" You giggled. Saint giggled back and started grabbing your face.

"Yes, yes, I'm very funny." You smiled.

"Why? Why must you make fun of me in front of the baby?" Patrick sighed. You laughed and shrugged.

"It's just too easy. Right Saint? He's just to easy." You replied, still talking in your baby voice.

"(Y/N), Meagan wants you to come and take a look at this!" Pete called walking into the room. He smiled at the sight of his son, and stole him from your arms.

"Hey there little man! Daddy's gonna steal you away from auntie (Y/N). Yes I will, yes I will!" Pete cooed. Patrick groaned and rolled his eyes.

"It's a parent thing man. You'll understand when the time comes." Pete replied. He handed Patrick the baby and followed you downstairs, leaving Patrick alone with Saint.

"So...everyone talks to you in this silly voice. You won't make me have to do that too, right?" Patrick asked. Saint just giggled, melting Patrick's hard exterior.

"Okay fine. You are one of the cutest things I've seen in my life, right behind (Y/N) of course. Yes you are, yes you are!" Patrick cooed using the baby voice. You walked up behind him hearing everything he was saying to Saint. You softly touched Patrick's shoulder, making him turn to you.

"See, I knew you'd be a natural. You were born to be a dad, Patrick." You said truthfully. Patrick smiled and kissed you. His free hand traveled down to your 4 month old baby bump and he looked you in the eyes.

"And you were born to be a mother." Patrick replied. You both smiled and looked back at Saint, excited for the next 5 months to pass.

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