Pete Imagine: Wedding Bells Pt. 2

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Pete's POV

I got home from work and threw my keys in the bowl.

"(Y/N), I'm home!" I called. No response. It was always like this since (Y/N) and I got married. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.

"I'm gonna get started on dinner." I sighed. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed pasta and a bowl from the cabinet. My phone began to ring and I picked it up.

"Yellow?" I answered.

"Pete! Wanna come over for dinner with Elisa and Dec?" Patrick asked. I smiled but looked back at my pot.

"Sorry Trick, no can do. I'm cooking for (Y/N) and I." I declined. There was only silence over the phone as I stirred the pot of water and noodles.

"Patrick, you still there?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah! Do you mind if I come over for dinner then? It's been a long time since I've been at your house." Patrick stuttered.

"Sure man. Come through." I hung up the phone and after 10 more minutes, I turned off the stove.

"(Y/N)! Dinner's ready!" I yelled. More silence. I growled and stomped my foot. I've had enough of being ignored by my own wife. I stomped up the stairs and flung open the door to (Y/N)'s room (She still never moved into my room). I paused at the threshold and inhaled deeply. The was dusty and the bed was perfectly made. No ones slept in that bed for weeks. I took small steps into the room and picked up the picture of (Y/N) and I. As soon as I touched it, I remembered.

"I'm just going to meet with the wedding planner quickly." (Y/N) smiled, picking up her car keys. I frowned and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I wish I could come too. This concert can't be rescheduled though." I whined.

"Pete, it's fine. I'm getting married to you in two weeks and I couldn't be happier. This is just a quick look over to make sure everything's okay." I smiled and kissed (Y/N) passionately.

"I'll see you when you get home. I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back.

But (Y/N) never came home.

"Sh-she what?" I stuttered.

"(Y/N) was in a fatal car accident. She died on impact." The officer explained. I looked around in confusion. How could (Y/N) be dead? I just saw her a few hours ago. She kissed me. She said she loved me.

Everything after that was a lie. We're not married. She never even got the chance to be my wife.

And she never will be my wife.

I fell against the wall and slid down to the floor, sobs wracking my body.

"Oh (Y/N). My (Y/N)." I sobbed. I heard movement from the door and saw Patrick standing there.

"She's dead." I sniffled. Patrick nodded and sat next to me.

"I know Pete. We were all just waiting for you to realize that." He explained.

"She didn't get the chance to be my wife. She died (Y/N) (L/N) and not (Y/N) Wentz.'s not fair!" I cried. I felt Patrick pull me into a hug as I cried.

"It'll be okay Pete. Someday, it will all be okay." He promised.

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