Patrick Imagine: Open Windows Pt. 2

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Patrick took a few deep breaths and looked down at the flowers in his hand.

"(Y/N), funny story, remember that time you were dancing in your underwear? Yeah, well I saw you and it made me realize, I should ask you out!" He rehearsed hopefully. Once hearing it out loud, Patrick shook his head and scoffed at the flowers.

"That's stupid. I'm stupid. Maybe I should go home." He muttered to himself. Just then, you opened the door dressed in a big tshirt and sweatpants.

"Patrick? What are you doing here? And what's with the flowers?" You asked in confusion.

"Oh these! I was just, well I was obviously in the neighborhood, and I decided to come and see you. On my way here I saw these flowers and thought they'd go nice with your home's decor." Patrick rambled nervously. You chuckled lightly and took the flowers.

"So these are for me?" You clarified.

"Yes, they're all yours." Patrick smiled. You smiled back and pulled the flowers to your chest.

"I love them. So...why are you dressed up so nicely? You're only here to see lil ole me." You teased. Patrick looked down at his nice dress shirt and jeans, blushing slightly.

"I um...I just came back from...Salsa classes!" He made up quickly.

"Salsa classes?" You asked.

"Ya know, like the dance. Fun stuff." You blinked, confused, but then smiled happily.

"Alright then! Wanna come with me to pick up some groceries?" You offered. Patrick, already beating himself up for blowing things with you, saw this as his second chance.

"Sure." He replied. You smiled and took his hand in yours, holding the flowers in your other hand.

"Awesome! Let's go!" You exclaimed happily. You dragged Patrick outside of your building and into the cool night air. You both walked hand in hand. A girl wearing a baggy shirt and sweatpants holding hands with a guy wearing a dress shirt and jeans. You walked into the supermarket and Patrick grabbed a cart.

"Okay, I'm gonna need you to push this cart while I throw crap in it. Is that okay?" You asked, looking into Patrick's eyes.

"That's fine." He smiled. You both walked through the supermarket talking and making stupid jokes. Every time you laughed, Patrick felt his heart flutter more. After you had got to the check out, you went to reach for your wallet, but Patrick stopped you.

"It's fine (Y/N). I got this." He offered, handing the woman his credit card.

"'re paying for my groceries?" You asked, once again confused.

"Yes I am." Patrick smirked. He picked up the bags and carried them back to your apartment door. Patrick placed the bags on the floor outside your door.

"Thank you so much for this Trick." You smiled thankfully. Patrick blushed and shook his head. He opened his mouth to express his feeling for you, but instead he could only sigh.

"So, I'll see you later (Y/N)." He sighed. He turned to leave until you stopped him with one simple question.

"So when's our next date?" You asked. Patrick turned back to face you, a curious glint in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Patrick stuttered. You giggled and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Salsa classes? Patrick, I know you came here all dressed up with the flowers to ask me out. Why do you think I accepted them? This was a great first date and I really hope there's another one." You explained. Patrick chuckled and smiled, looking very kawaii.

"Well, just hit me up from the window and I'll let you know." He said.

"I look forward to it." You grinned. Patrick kissed your cheek before walking off.

"I'm such a boss." He whispered to himself, proudly.

"He's such a dork." You sighed dreamily, entering your apartment with your groceries and flowers.

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