Joe Imagine: Miss Mysterious Pt. 5

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As Joe finally came to, he noticed his other bandmates, gagged and tied down like he was.

"Guys chill out, everything is gonna be fine. I'm a good person." You said from the corner of the room. All eyes were on you as you emerged from the shadows, holding a hook in your hand. Patrick's eyes went wide in shock.

"I thought you'd recognize your old friend, Patrick. There's another one coming by too." You giggled. You ungagged all of the guys leaving them free to spit insults at you.

"Oh sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will leave psychological words that never heal." You sang teasingly.

"Why are you doing this?" Andy growled.

"Old friend stopped by asking for Fall Our Boy. I couldn't pass up the chance. I always had a thing for the guitarist with the fro." You replied winking at Joe. He bit his lip and looked away, ashamed that even though you kidnapped him, he still couldn't help swooning over you.

"Let us go, you bitch!" Pete spat. You frowned at him and turned his hair away from you.

"What did I tell you about those words mister." You pouted.

"(Y/N), you don't have to do this." Joe attempted at reasoning.

"I actually do, I'll be killed if I won't. Where you guys are going, you won't be killed, but instead just monitored. I'd rather save my own skin." You explained, a hint of legit fear appearing on your face. Joe wanted to hate you for your answer, but he understood where you were coming from.

"(Y/N), I knew you would deliver!" A familiar voice called out. Courtney Love walked down the stairs and smiled at the four men's scared faces (well three. Pete was still in time out).

"And you'll keep up your end of the bargain?" You asked.

"Yes (Y/N), your life remains intact and these boys are treated humanely. Everyone wins." Joe looked over at you as you frowned slightly.

You were a victim here too.

"You'll never destroy rock and roll Courtney! No matter how hard you try!" Joe barked. Courtney simply laughed and put a hand on Patrick's shoulder.

"Of course I will. I got my perfect little soldier over here to ensure my victory." She teased. Patrick shook his head, tears forming in his eyes.

"Please, I don't wanna kill anymore people." He begged.

"Courtney, please." You sighed. Courtney turned to you, annoyance written on her face.

"Are you trying to go back on your deal (Y/N)? Because I can too!" She threatened, putting a gun to your temple.

"Don't touch her! Just take us." Joe interrupted, as fearfully as you looked.

"Wait, what's going on?" Pete asked, trying to see. You took a deep breath before looking at Joe.

"I'm sorry." You apologized. Courtney scoffed and removed the gun.

"We're leaving." She stared. Her other followers came to carry the guys out. On their way out, Joe passed (Y/N), wiping her eyes.

"I'll be back." He promised, so quietly that she probably didn't hear him. Although she was still so mysterious, he couldn't help wanting to know the real (Y/N) (L/N).

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