Pref #23: Texts

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Fedora Boy: You there?

You: Yea, what's up?

Fedora Boy: I miss you.

You: It was just a college visit. I'll be home tomorrow.

Fedora Boy: It was an entire day without you. I hated it.

You: Come on Patrick, what are you gonna do when I really go to college?

Fedora Boy: Miss you even more

You: You have no right to try and make me cry over the phone you cute asshole.

Fedora Boy: I'm sorry. I love you (Y/N)

You: I love you 2 Patrick


Joesus: I'm fucking starving yeooo!

You: And what am I supposed to do?

Joesus: Feed me! What kind of best friend are you?

You: Joe...I don't even like you.

Joesus: Fucking liar. You love me.

You: Go and make a sandwich or something. I'm busy.

Joesus: Busy with what.

You: Hey Joe buddy! It's Pete and I'm just texting to let you know that (Y/N) can't feed you, because we're about to fuck. See ya!

Joesus: Pete! (Y/N)!

Joesus: That text better be a lie!

Joesus: Pete, do not stick your nasty dick inside my best friend!

Joesus: That's it, I'm coming over!!!


You: Oh, well imagine!

Petey-Pie: As I'm pacing the pews of a church corridor

You: And I can't help but to hear

Petey-Pie: No I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words

You: What a beautiful wedding!

Petey-Pie: What a beautiful wedding says a brides maid to a waiter

You: And yes but what a shame

Petey-Pie: What a shame the poor grooms bride is a

You: WHORE!!!

Petey-Pie: I chime in with a haven't you people ever heard of

You: Closing the gosh diddly darn door!

Petey-Pie: Oh my gosh we are so special.

You: Special is fun.

Petey-Pie: Ya got that right.

You: I'm sending this convo to Brendon.

Petey-Pie: Oh my gosh XD this is why I love you


XVX: Bucky Barnes...

You: Is not a villain!

XVX: Tony Stark...

You: Deserves better!

XVX: Pietro Maximoff...

You: Is not dead!

XVX: Steve and Sharon...

You: Cannot be cannon because Steve is too in love with Bucky

XVX: I knew there was a reason I loved you.

You: And I knew there was a reason I loved you <3

XVX: I love you as much and Bucky loves Steve.

You: If that's the case we should be married XD.

XVX: Love you (Y/N)

You: Love you too Andy.

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