Pref #11: When I Grow Up...

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~6 Years Old~

When I grow up I'm gonna live in a castle with my prince and be like Cinderella. Well, my evil stepmother won't be mean to me, but my prince will be perfect. He's gonna have blue eyes and black hair. We'll get married and have lots of babies!

~23 Years Later~

Well, you did find a prince, but his hair wasn't black. You settled for dirty blondish brown hair. The blue eyes though we're a success! When you found Patrick, you were waiting tables at a diner and you were assigned to his table. Let's just say it was love at first sight. He was the most perfect person you could've ever asked for. You two rarely fought, he was a gentleman, and he was really funny.  You two eventually did get married and it was one of the happiest days of your life. The whole baby thing wasn't even that farfetched being that you were pregnant with Patrick's first son two months after being married.


~6 Years Old~

When I grow up, I'm not gonna need no man. My momma didn't need one so I don't either. I'm gonna live in a big house with 50 (favorite animal)s and I'm gonna love them so much. They'll love me too, better than some dumb boy could.

~23 Years Later~

Okay, so 6 year old you was a little hardcore and completely wrong. You ran into Joe, literally, on your way to work, and chewed him out on being rude and totally being in your way. Joe found it so cute that he asked for your number. You scoffed and walked away. Turns out you two worked in the same building. After many attempts at asking you on a date, you accepted his offer and the rest was history. You and Joe got along just fine in your tiny apartment with your (favorite animal), (pet name).


~6 Years Old~

When I grow up, I'm gonna meet a really nice guy who's gonna love me forever. We'll live happily ever after and we'll never fight. He's gonna be tall and very cute. He can't have tattoos because tattoos are scary and he can't be scary. If he's scary he's gonna scare our baby!

~23 Years Later~

You weren't always the luckiest in love. You had many relationships with guys who you thought would love you, but they were assholes. It's frustrating, but you always hoped that one day you would find the man of your dreams. It happened one day when you ran into your (now ex) boyfriend. He was yelling at you for something you didn't do and was grabbing you roughly. Luckily, a short man with black hair and tattoos was passing by and saw the scene. He went to go rescue you and totally got his ass kicked. You admired him for it anyway. You still though tattoos were scary. But tattoo guy, Pete, was really sweet and had the biggest heart you'd ever seen. He even cried the day your daughter was born.


~6 Years Later~

When I grow up, I'm gonna own a bakery! I'm gonna make a lot of cookies, cakes, and cupcakes and then get fat off of them. I don't care if people talk about me. Food is yummy so if it makes me fat, so be it!

~23 Years Later~

You never did get fat, but you did open your bakery. It was there when you met Andy, someone who shared your love for pastries. You always made him vegan stuff specially for him. Andy was in your shop at least twice every week and you two would just talk as you baked your goods. One day, he asked you out for lunch and it allowed you to get to know Andy even better. When he asked you to be his girlfriend, it was no surprise that you said yes. You found Andy very cute and funny and began to really love him.

Even more than food.

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