Pref #3: High School

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"Hey (Y/N)!" Patrick smiled waving at you. He drew your attention away from your friend, as you turned to see the small boy with a big heart.

"Hey Patrick." You smiled back. You excused yourself from your friend and walked towards him.

"What's up dude?" You asked pleasantly. You were by far the nicest girl in senior year. Patrick was supposed to be in junior year but got to skip a grade.

"Nothing much. I just needed your help with our science lab. I was out sick yesterday." Patrick requested.

"I'll help! Dude, anything to help you out." You replied enthusiastically.

"Cool. Let's go to the lab."

*Time skip brought to you by Patrick putting on his cute lab coat*

"So, I just pour this in here?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah. It's gonna act as a reactant." You smiled. He poured the liquid into the beaker and foam shot out.

"Woah! That was awesome!" Patrick cheered. You chuckled at the adorable look on his face.

"Yeah. Hey Patrick, you've got some foam on your safety goggles." You noticed.

"Oh. I didn't even see that."

"Let me." You grabbed a napkin and began to clean off his goggles. Patrick looked you in your eyes and you couldn't contain yourself anymore. You leaned down and connected your lips to his, catching him by surprise. When you pulled back, Patrick looked happily dazed.

"Wow, I think I felt a chemical reaction there." He stuttered. You giggled and kissed him again.


"Jesus, watch where you're going jerk!" You sighed in frustration. Once again, Joe Trohman was skateboarding through the halls and he almost took you down with the stupid board.

"Sorry sweetheart. Didn't see ya there." Joe smirked, stepping off the board. You crossed your arms and glared at him. Joe just chuckled and stood in front of you.

"You're so cute when you're mad." He commented, mimicking your glare.

"Kid, just leave me alone." You sighed.

"Oh baby, that's like asking me not to breath." You cracked a smile at Joe and his flirting antics. It was like a game you two. A game of cat and mouse. Who knew which was which?

"Listen Joseph, I have a class to attend and so do you." You said.

"Do we have to go? I don't really find it necessary." Joe whined. You chuckled and shook your head holding out your hand.

"Come on." You encouraged. Joe laced his fingers with yours as you two walked to class.

"Hey, can I tell people we're dating?" He asked.

"No." You replied.

"Can I tell them you kissed me?"

"Nope." Joe pouted and you kissed his cheek.

"You can tell them about a kiss on the cheek though." You smirked. Joe just smiled and continued to walk with you.


"Pete, are you sure about this?" You asked hesitantly.

"I'm almost positive." He replied. You two had taken a trip down to the school's boiler room as a new place to hang out after the principal banned you two off of the roof.

"I'm not so sure about this. I'm scared." You whined.

"Don't be. I mean, where else are we supposed to talk shit about everyone." Pete asked.

"I mean I guess." Pete just smiled and kissed your cheek swiftly.

"You'll be alright down here. Can we talk about Felix?" He asked.

"Felix?! He almost made me fail my test yesterday from cheating off of me. Teacher wanted to fail both of us." You ranted.

"He was screwing around with Andy and Patrick yesterday. He's such an ass."

"You got that right." You and Pete continued your shit talking session, until a janitor came and kicked you two out. It was really worth it though. 


You smiled as you watched your boyfriend hit the drums with a lot of force. When he was done, Andy looked up and smiled at you.

"How was that?" He asked.

"It was great baby! The school band is so lucky to have your talent." You told him honestly. Andy smiled and stood up from his drum set. He beckoned you into his arms and you hugged him.

"Thank you for always being my number 1 cheerleader baby girl." Andy mumbled.

"It's easy when I'm cheering for you." You replied.

"Come on, I'm getting sleepy. Can we skip study hall and sleep at my place?" He asked.

"Hells yeah. Let's get it." You agreed walking with your boyfriend to the car.

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