Joe Imagine: Lost Pt. 3

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Previously, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

On your way downstairs, you didn't take notice of Joe's empty guitar case, tripping over it and falling down the stairs...front first. You landed on your side at the bottom of the stairs with tears streaming down your face from the pain of the fall and fear for your baby. You saw your phone on the kitchen table, but you couldn't move to get it. You were paralyzed with shock.

"Help." You whispered. It was the best you could do, hoping that someone would come and find you.

Now, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

*June 2009*

You sat on your couch, blankets wrapped tightly around your shoulders. The tv played in the background, but you didn't pay any attention.

"I'm home." You heard Joe say as he slammed the door shut. You didn't answer him, but instead stared mindlessly into space.

"I brought you some soup. It's your favorite." Joe said walking into your field of vision.

"I'm not hungry." You mumbled. Joe groaned and rolled his eyes.

"You haven't eaten in a month (Y/N)! I know this is hard for you, but I lost a kid too." He growled. You glared into Joe's blue eyes as you raised a pointed finger.

"I didn't leave a guitar case by the stairs. I tell you time after time, move the damn case!" You yelled.

"Well you should've been more observant!" Joe yelled back.

"Okay, blame the pregnant woman who couldn't see over her stomach. Take some damn responsibility for your fucking actions!"

"You killed my son!"

"He was our son and I didn't kill him! It's your fault! It's all your fault! I told you not to leave the case there and you did! I told you not to leave me alone and you did! You never even called to check in on me!" Joe scoffed and rolled your eyes.

"You're supposed to be a grown ass woman, not some fucking immature child." He said in a low voice. You stood up weakly and shoved him.

"Hey the hell out of my way. I can't even look at you." You muttered.

"That's the guilt talking." Joe sneered.

"Actually it's the disgust, asshole. You make me sick!" You turned from Joe and went to walk up the stairs.

"Where are you going?!" He yelled.

"Away from you!" You hissed.

"Eat the fucking soup!"

"Shove it up your ass!" You ran as fast as your legs would carry you and collapsed in your bed. You ran your hand over your now flat stomach and began to sob. Did you really kill your own child?

To be continued...

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