Pref #12: You Cheat On Him

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You opened your eyes with a pounding feeling in your head.

"Bloody hell, what did I do last night?" You asked yourself.

"You drank...a lot." A voice said. You jumped and turned to see a familiar person.

"Zach Merrick?" You asked in disbelief.

"Hey (Y/N)." He smiled weakly.

"Wait, why are you naked in my bed! Why am I naked in my bed?!"

"I mean, if we put one and two together..."

"No! You need to go. I just...I just cheated on my husband! Oh god, I cheated on my husband whose never wronged me. My husband who I took vows with. I vowed to be faithful to him!" You freaked. You picked up your clothes and put them on quickly.

"(Y/N), you need to calm down first."

"Calm down? I cheated on my husband!"

"I understand but what's done has been done and nobody can undo it." Soon Zach left and you waited for Patrick to get home. Of course you were gonna tell him. The guilt was killing you. When Patrick ran into the house, you met him at the door.

"I have something important to tell you!" You both said.

"Same time?" Patrick suggested. You gulped, but nodded.

"I slept with Zach Merrick."

"I slept with Pete Wentz."

"Wait, what?" You both asked in confusion.


"Oh Brendon." You moaned. Joe was out doing band stuff again. That's all he does nowadays. Band stuff, band stuff, band stuff. When was it gonna be time for him to do boyfriend stuff? Since he seemed to be busy all the time, you found company in someone else. When you and Brendon had finished your sexual activities, you were much more satisfied.

"Ya know, I should just leave Joe for you. You pay more attention to me than he ever does." You confessed, laying on Brendon's chest.

"You're important (Y/N). If Joe can't see that, he doesn't deserve you." Brendon said simply. You smiled and kissed his chest.

"You make me feel like such a princess Bren." You sigh happily.

"What the hell is this!?" Joe's voice asked. You and Brendon looked up to see Joe with a hurt look on his face.

"(Y/N)...Brendon...really?" He asked softly. What you were never prepared for was the fact that Joe might cry.

"Joe..." You started, but he held up a hand.

"I don't wanna hear it. Brendon, how about closing the door next time, buddy." Joe spat, slamming the door shut.


"He's coming home from tour today. You gotta go Cody." You mumbled sleepily. The blond haired man across from you raised his head, and watched you with squinted eyes.

"But I like being here...with you." He mumbled. Cody kissed your forehead as his hands found their way to your bare torso.

"I know...I just...I don't know how I'm supposed to tell my fiancé that the wedding's off."

"Having him come home and finding the bride to be and some guy in his bed isn't really a good idea." A voice snapped. You opened your eyes wide and turned to the door.

"P-Pete!" You gasped. Cody just looked nervously from you to Pete.

"So the wedding's off huh?" Pete growled.

"Pete, you were never supposed to find out like this. I just...I fell in love with Cody." You explained.

"And out of love with me."

"I'm sorry."

"Whatever. I hope you two are happy. I want the both of you out of my house by tonight. I need a fucking drink." Pete glared at you and walked out of the room. You felt your heart silently break at watching the man you just broke walk away.


"Joe, we need to tell Andy. I-I can't do this anymore." You sighed.

"(Y/N), it's gonna be okay. I wanna tell him too, but he's been really stressed lately. I don't want to add onto it." Joe explained. You bit your lip and grabbed Joe's hands in yours.

"Joe, I don't wanna hurt him, but I know he's gonna be devastated." You told him. Joe just pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head.

"It's okay. It's gonna be okay. Andy is a reasonable guy. We just tell him what happened and he'll understand." Joe mumbled.

"Who'll understand?" Andy asked, walking up behind you two. You and Joe pulled out of the hug quickly and looked at Andy.

"Andy, buddy, you know your my best friend right. You know I'd never do anything to intentionally hurt you right?"

"Joe, what did you do?" Andy asked. Joe looked at you and you looked at Andy.

"Joe and I...we're together." You said quickly.

"What?" Andy stuttered.

"I love her." Joe admitted. All you heard was a crunch as Joe fell to the floor. You gasped and looked at Andy shaking his bruising knuckles.

"We're done." Andy said to you before leaving.

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