Andy Imagine: Five Missed Calls

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"I needed you...where were you?" You asked softly.

"(Y/N), I didn't know." Andy stuttered.

"I called your phone 5 times. Why didn't you pick up?!"

"The concert-"

"That concert was worth not being here!? Our son died! He died and didn't even get to see his father!" Andy dropped his head as you shook with tears.

"I didn't mean to-"

"You didn't mean to miss your son's death? Because that's what happened. Fabian got in a car accident and he was waiting for you! He held on for so long until he just couldn't anymore. I had to convince him that it was okay to let go. I had to tell him that his father loves him, because you weren't there to say it yourself!" You sobbed.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry." Andy said, voice breaking at the end.

"Don't you dare say sorry to me! I'd say sorry to Fabian, but he's not here anymore! Don't you get it Andy?! Our only son, the little boy we raised from his birth, is gone! He's gone and he's never coming back! He's gone, he's gone, he's gone!" You yelled. Andy pulled you into his arms as he cried into your neck. You cried even harder and grasped on to Andy's shirt.

"He's gone...he's gone." You sobbed weakly. Andy took in deep breaths as the tears wouldn't stop coming. He didn't even get to see his son before he died. All because he missed 5 calls...

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