Pete Imagine: Wedding Bells

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Requested by thelittlewolf45 (btw, if y'all ain't religious, my bad. There is mentions of a church and priest and I apologize.)

Pete looked in the mirror fixing his tie, a small smile on his face.

Today he was getting married to you.

He imagined how you would look in your beautiful dress and imagined you walking down the aisle, ready to give yourself to him. Only him.

Pete had fallen in love with you in one of the weirdest ways. It was when you yelled at him for spilling his drink on you. Whether it was the fire in your eyes or your oblivion to him, he wanted to do nothing more than to be with you.

"Pete, are you ready?" Patrick asked, peering into the room. Pete turned and smiled at him.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He chuckled. Patrick watched in bewilderment as Pete walked past. He walked into the church, all eyes turning to look at him. His mother was crying, being comforted by his father and Pete just gave them a smile. Pete got in position and everyone stood as you came in. Pete heard sobs and noticed your best friend and parents crying. He admittedly let a few tears slip as well. He could only think of how beautiful you looked. You arrived at the front of the church and everyone was seated. The priest came up to the podium and took a deep breath.

"We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of (Your Full Name)." He started off. Pete just stared at the wooden casket, his heart contracting in protest. He knew you were dead, but he didn't want to admit it. Here he was, burying his fiancé on their would have been wedding day. He bit his lips as the silent tears fell down his face. Patrick rubbed small circles in his back as little sobs began to break through Pete's mouth. He repeated his mantra in his head over and over again:

It's our wedding day.

It's our wedding day.

It's our wedding day.

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