Pref #34: You Get Interrupted

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A/N: Incase you didn't get it, this is mild smut. It's more like kissing and touching but never really getting to the smut part. Also, y'all should go and check out overcastskeleton 's new Bucky fanfic. My two favorite things: her writing and Bucky!


You giggled as Patrick pushed you into the wall, his lips searching out for yours.

"I swear to you, there will never be another woman who makes me feel like you do baby." Patrick panted, his hands trailing under your shirt.

"You say that now because you're about to get laid." You groaned lightly. Patrick smirked and pulled your shirt off in a swift movement.

"Remind me to repeat myself when we're done then." He said before throwing you on the bed. He crawled on top of you and pressed his lips to yours. You tugged on Patrick's shirt, prompting him to pull it off. Once the shirt was off, Patrick went down to your pants.

"It's been way too long since over been down here." He commented. Just as he was about to pull your pants down your legs, the door slammed open.

"Patrick I...oh shit." Pete mumbled. Patrick glared at Pete as you hurried to cover yourself.

"Sorry man. Didn't know you were getting your-"

"Say another word and I will end you Peter. Now please evacuate the area, thank you." Patrick interrupted attempting to keep calm. Pete just gave a thumbs up and left the room.

Too bad the mood couldn't be saved. Poor sexually frustrated Pattycakes.


You flung the door closed, as you attacked Joe's lips with your own.

"You're so hot when you take control." Joe mumbled against your lips. You broke the kiss and smirked at his lipstick stained lips.

"Yeah, I know." You giggled. You pulled apart his shirt, ripping buttons and slid the shirt off down his arms.

"You don't know much I love your tattoos." You sighed, running your hands up his colorful arms.

"(Y/N), I need you." Joe whined, pupils blown with lust and need.

"You already have me." You said, pulling down your dress, leaving you in your underwear. Joe looked up to the ceiling, smiling.

"There is a god..." He smiled. You giggled and pushed him on to the bed.

"(Y/N)! I finally hid the...what the hell." Your friend Natasha said as she walked in on you and Joe.

"Nat!" You hissed, covering yourself with a blanket.

"Sorry, don't let me stop you two." She smirked. You rolled your eyes and gave her the finger.

"Whatever (Y/N). Just don't be too loud, I have company of my own." Natasha winked as Steve walked into the door frame.

"Is everything okay?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, let's go get some fondue." Nat giggled, pulling Steve by his arm.

(A/N: I am such trash for romanogers sometimes)


You moaned, as Pete sucked a hickey on your collarbone, visible for all who wanted to see. When he pulled back to admire his handiwork, he smiled.

"Might need some make up for this one babe." He winked. You began to laugh, which was muffled my Pete's own mouth. He traveled his fingers in your hair and fell on the bed, you on top. Pete pulled off your shirt and his own, unclasping your bra. He pulled you to his chest and began kissing his way down to your chest.

"Mommy, daddy?" A soft voice said from behind the bedroom door. You and Pete quickly pulled apart and there on clothes. You opened the door to see Saint at the door.

"What's wrong honey?" You asked.

"I had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you two tonight?" He asked. You faintly heard Pete mutter "fuck" in disappointment.

"Sure." You smiled.

"I'm coming too!"

"Me too!"

In a split second, Danielle and Bronx were running onto your bed as well. You looked at Pete and shrugged. You climbed onto the bed next to peer and kissed the side of head.

"I need to take a cold shower." He mumbled.

"Hey, you're the one who didn't wanna wear a condom." You snickered.

"It was worth it."


"Do you want this?" You said as Andy sat on the bed.

"W-Want what?" Andy stuttered. You zipped your dress off and let it pool at your feet. The heat rise to Andy's cheeks as he saw you in your black bra and underwear.

"I don't know if we should." He said hesitantly.

"I understand if you're not ready Andy but I just want to know that I am and always will be for you and only you. I'm ready to show you that." You explained.

"You're ready for this and you're sure it's okay?" Andy asked, hoping you would say yes.

"Andy, I want to be with you in every way possible and I never felt that way with anyone." You walked closer to Andy and took his hands, guiding them to your waist.

"I want to be with you Andrew." You whispered. Andy pressed his lips to yours and pushed you down on the bed. Your hands were trying to untuck Andy's shirt from his pants, with much struggle. In the end, Andy helped and took off the shirt. You smiled and peppered kisses all over his chest before coming back up to kiss him. Andy pulled down his pants and threw them across the room. You pulled out of the kiss as your phone started to ring.

"What the hell?" You groaned. You looked down and saw it was your problematic best friend. You would feel terrible if you didn't answer. Beside, hoes before bros.

"Sorry I have to take this." You apologized. You scurried out of the room to talk to your friend, the mood ruined.

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