Joe Imagine: Lost

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*May 2007*

You pushed your way through the sweaty bar, attempting to find the bathroom. Barely clothed bodies managed to push up against you, managing to make you feel even dirtier. You finally made it to the bathroom and walked up to the sink. Your eyeliner and mascara had sweat onto your cheeks, making you resemble a raccoon. You took a napkin, wet it, and cleaned away the now ruined make up.

"Well, this is something I never expected to see." You heard a voice say. You turned to see a man with curly hair and amused blue eyes watching you.

"What are you doing in the ladies room?" You asked, feeling fear course through your veins. This man could be a rapist. I mean, what kind of man goes into the girls bathroom?

"I should be asking you, what are you doing in the mens room?" The man chuckled. You turned ruby red and covered your mouth in embarrassment.

"I am so sorry, I had no clue. It-It is so crazy out there that I must have gotten confused." You apologized.

"It's fine. Just, do you mind leaving you I can do my business. It'd be really embarrassing to have a pretty woman in here listening to me pee." He requested. You nodded and ran out. Your heart was racing as you made your way back to the middle of the bar. You were looking around for your friends when you saw a familiar face up on stage along with some other people.

"Hey, we're Fall Out Boy, and tonight we're gonna play a few songs for you." The bass player announced.

"This first song goes out to the woman I met in the bathroom. I never got her name and she never got mine, so beautiful, I'm Joe." The man you met in the bathroom said before winking. You felt your heart leap through your throat as they started playing the song that you would soon come to know as Thnks Fr Th Mmrs.

*November 2008*

You giggled as Joe pushed you up against the wall of the new house you had bought.

"We seriously have to break in this house...and I know just the way to do it." He mumbled it your ear.

"We can do that later becuase as of now, the house has no furniture in it." You stalled with a smirk on your face.

"Oh come on. We can do it on the floor."


"And before you turn me down, I can even put down a sheet."

"Joseph, I'm going to throw up!" You interrupted. Joe's eyes went wide as he guided you to the new bathroom, where you threw up everything in your stomach.

"Are you okay (Y/N)? I can drive you to the hospital?" Joe suggested. You nodded your head as you weakly walked to the car.

"Good idea."

To be continued...

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