Patrick Imagine: Now I'm Grown Pt. 3

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A/N: Shout out to @fall_down_guys_ for starting a revolt against me...weirdly, it was the highlight of my week. Here is your part 3 fall_down_guys_ and Jeffersons.

You walked out of your temporary room as you heard a soft voice accompanied with guitar. You followed the voice to Patrick's room.

So many kids but I only see you
And I don't think you notice me
Well I've seen your boyfriend
and I don't think he treats you right
But that's none of my business is it?

I'm not the way you think I am, no

You smiled at the sound of his voice, feeling like you were 15 again, trying to hear Patrick sing through the basement door. You always liked Patrick. He was the complete opposite of your brother. Patrick was quiet and reserved. Pete was loud and outgoing with his friends, but Patrick was a mystery. He reminded you of uncharted territory that you were just aching to discover. When you finally worked up the courage, you knocked on the door softly.

"Patrick?" You whispered. The strumming of the guitar stopped and you heard Patrick's tiny feet padding to the door. He opened it and you were met with those eccentric blue eyes.

"Hey, what's up?" Patrick asked.

"I-I can't sleep. Believe it or not, but it's too quiet for me to fall asleep." You chuckled. Patrick smiled and looked over at your pajamas.

"Come in. You can chill here until you're ready to fall asleep." Patrick offered. You thanked him and walked into the light grey room. It was such a normal color, but just knowing that Patrick picked the color, made you see it in a whole new light.

"I like this color." You commented.

"Yeah, it calms me." Patrick replied. He sat on the bed and you across from him.

"How've you been? I mean, how's New York? It sounds like a fun place to be." He asked.

"Lonely. I miss my big brother and his friends." You confessed.

"I still can't believe that Pete Wentz is your brother. The guy is your complete opposite." 

"I know, it's what lets us get along so well. I love my brother." Patrick nodded his head and started mindlessly strumming on his guitar. You recognised the tune and smiled before singing a few lines.

When I wake up, I'm willing to take my chances on the hope I forget
that you hate him more than you notice I wrote this for you.  

Patrick stopped strumming and smiled over at you, making your heart pace rapidly.

"I remember you helped write the lyrics for this. No wonder it was one of our biggest hits." He sighed.

"I only gave the idea for the song, it was you and Pete who completely slayed it." You chuckled.

"Who was it about?" You froze as your eyes widened slightly.

"Come again?" You asked meekly.

"Grand Theft Autumn; who were you thinking about when you gave Pete and I the idea?" Patrick repeated.

"I...well I had this crush on this guy. He...he was like everything I ever wanted. He didn't have a girlfriend or anything, but I knew he wouldn't want me. I just kept my mouth shut. That's where I got the whole crush kind of idea from." 

"That guy was very lucky to have captured your attention." 

"Dude, I wore braces, thick, geeky glasses, and Jonas Brothers band shirts. To be honest, that guy dodged a bullet."

"Well, he didn't know you like I do. He didn't know the real (Y/N) Wentz."

"Do you?" Patrick put down his guitar and looked in your eyes. 

"I know you were afraid of the dark, you were pretty insecure, you didn't have much friends, you loved hanging out with Pete whenever you could, you would give up your own happiness just for Pete to get his, and I know...I know that I've been in love with you ever since you were 15."  He said softly. Your whole entire world stopped as you processed the words Patrick just said to you.

" love me?" You stuttered.

"Yeah, but if you don't feel the same, it's okay. I just had to get that off of my chest." Patrick said nervously. You let out a relieved sigh and laughed slightly.

"Oh my gosh, you don't know how long I've wanted to hear those words." You smiled.

"I really hope that that makes this okay." Patrick grinned, bringing his lips to yours. When he pulled back, you both were panting hard.

"Crazy idea." He suggested.

"Let's hear it." You replied. Patrick leaned down close to your ear.

"Let me make love to you."

To be continued... 

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