Patrick Imagine: Its Quiet Uptown

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A/N: Inspired by the song from Hamilton bc I freaking love the Hamilton soundtrack. Plus also inspired by the Stay Alive Reprise.

Patrick walked out in his new neighborhood after the both of you moved uptown from your old house.


You and Patrick laid in bed until a ringing phone disrupted the peace.

"Your phone, you answer." You mumbled. Patrick chuckled and accepted the call.

"Hello?" He answered. The next thing he heard was enough to make Patrick drop his brand new iPhone 6, shattering the screen.

"Patrick? What's wrong?" You asked.

"Declan's in the hospital. He was shot." Patrick stuttered. You both rushed to the nearby hospital, you wearing pajama pants and a black tank top. You ran up to your 16 year old son's room and saw him, deathly pale. Patrick stayed behind to speak to the doctor.

"How is he?" Patrick asked.

"Mr. Stump, your son lost a lot of blood. There's not much we can do. There's a chance your son may not come back home. His heart is too fragile for us to bring him back." The doctor explained. Patrick took a deep breath and went to be with his son.

"Oh Declan." You sobbed. You ran to his side and took his hand in yours. Patrick ran to the other side of Declan.

"Dec, what happened?" He asked, stroking the boy's blonde hair.

"I-I was coming home from Saint's house and these guys saw me. I didn't look for trouble like you guys said and just kept walking. When one pulled out a gun, I got scared and ran. They shot me." Declan stuttered weakly. Your sobs became louder and more broken. Declan was always with his mother so he weakly kissed the top of your head.

"Mom, don't cry I'll be fine." He assured you. You kissed his cheek and smiled.

"Save your strength and stay alive." You instructed. Declan chuckled, turning to coughs.

"Mom, remember that time...that time we sang for dad on his birthday?" He said softly. Patrick smiled slightly, tears now becoming almost impossible to hold back.

"Of course. It was that day I found out you took after your father and have 5 lungs." You sniffled.

"I'm gonna miss singing..." He trailed off before the heart monitors flatlined.

"Declan? Declan, please!" You cried, squeezing your son's hand tighter, hoping for some miracle. Patrick but his lip and turned away from the scene.

"Come on, let's sing the song." You sniffled, ignoring the loud beeping of the machine. The doctor just watched with pity.

Patrick watched you sing to your dead son, and he knew nothing would ever be the same.

*End of Flashback*

The house reminded you and Patrick too much of Declan so you bought a new house. Patrick hasn't stepped in a studio in nearly two months and you haven't spoken a word. No one could come in contact with either of you.

As Patrick walked down the street he noticed people watching of course they knew what had happened. The whole world knew. People always watched with pitying eyes.

"It's quiet here Dec. You'd like it here." Patrick said out loud.

Two women walked past Patrick and one woman whispered to the other.

"What's his deal?" She scoffed. The other woman shoved her friend and frowned.

"That's Patrick Stump. Him and his wife lost their son recently. He's going through the unimaginable." The other woman explained, pity lacing her voice.

Patrick just kept walking until he got to the store, picking up microwaveable foods and water. That's all he or you could stomach nowadays.

*Back At The House*

You sat outside in the backyard, visions of your son still fresh in your mind. Patrick walked out and sat next to you, handing you a water bottle.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry." He confessed, saying the first words to you since Declan's funeral.

"I-I wish it were me instead of Declan. If...If only I had picked him up that night. If I'd been a better father..." Patrick continued, tears surfacing from his eyes.

"I wish I could bring him back...if only to see that smile on your face again." He whimpered.

"I know you need time, but I'm not gonna leave you. I promise (Y/N). We took vows and I'm not gonna leave your side. For better or for worse." Patrick concluded. You turned to him and slowly dropped your head on his shoulder.

*Next Day*

Patrick walked outside the next day, this time with you walking beside him.

"The neighborhood is pretty. Do you like it? It's quiet uptown." Patrick commented. You just looked at him and then looked back ahead. The day was spent with Patrick showing you different views of the new part of town he'd come to know.

"Look! At night, if you look closely it's almost as if the water sparkles, (Y/N)." Patrick pointed out. You once again watched him before looking back at the ground. Patrick gasped as he felt your hand take his.

"It's quiet uptown." You mumble for the first time in months. Patrick could only let out a weak smile and kiss the top of your head.

Progress in the long road to recovery...

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