Pref #22: Are You Cheating On Me?

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"Hey, I'm gonna take a shower before we go and see your mom. Is that okay?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'll wait." Patrick called back. You walked into the bathroom as Patrick sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone. He was texting his mom saying that you and him would both be a little late. After he sent the message, he heard your phone go off. Patrick looked down at your phone and saw a text from an unknown number.

Lol Bae. I'm weak XD

Patrick raised an eyebrow as another text popped up.

Your insta pic tho 😍. Slayyyy

"(Y/N)!" He called in fear. You walked out to him with a towel wrapped around you.

"What's up Pattycakes?" You asked.

"Who is this texting you? Are you cheating on me?" Patrick asked. You scrunched up your nose in confusion.

"It's an unknown number. I've never even seen it before." You said.

"But they're calling you Bae and talking about your Instagram pictures."

"Patrick...I haven't posted a picture on Instagram since your birthday." You giggled.

"Oh...alright, carry on." Patrick smiled. You smiled back and kissed him softly.

"Stop being jealous. It's cute but you should know I only need you."  You whispered before going to get dressed.


Joe sat in the studio with Patrick and Andy when Pete came running in.

"Joe Troh with the fro! You need to see this!" Pete called. Joe turned to Pete who pushed a phone in his face.

"Wow Pete, nice dick." Joe snickered.

"Oh not again." Pete muttered, deleting the picture.

"I meant to show you this!" Pete announced. He showed Joe the picture of you hugging some guy at the mall. It seemed as if you spent the whole day with him.

"Who is this?" Joe asked Pete.

"I hoped you could tell me." Pete sighed. Joe looked back at the picture.

Were you cheating on him?

*Time Skip Brought to you by Joe and Pete playing detective trying to find out who the mystery man was*

When you walked into your apartment, you were surprised to find Joe sitting in your living room.

"Joseph? How'd you get in here? I didn't give you a key." You asked

"I have my ways (Y/N)." Joe said cryptically.

"Did you break my window?"

"...I can pay for it." You sighed and crossed your hands.

"What's going on?" You demanded.

"Are you cheating on me?" Joe asked, getting all up in your face.

"With who?"

"Him!" He showed the picture that Pete showed him and you ended up laughing.

"This isn't funny. I'm genuinely heart broken." Joe pouted.

"That's my brother Joseph. You've never met him because, well, we've only been dating for like 3 months." You explained.

"Sorry." Joe smiled sheepishly.


"Who is this?!??" Pete yelled running through the house. You were with Saint in his room playing around with him.

"(Y/N) (L/N), you've got some explaining to do!" He announced once he found you.

"Peter Wentz, what do I have to explain?" You asked, mocking him.

"Who is this man in the picture and why is he kissing you?" Pete asked throwing a photograph at you. You squinted and looked closely at the picture. When your realized when it was taken, you smiled and handed it back to Pete.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" He demanded.

"I remember that." You smirked. Pete gasped and took Saint from your arms.

"You don't deserve to corrupt our son. Are you cheating on me?" He asked.

"Pete, this picture is from when I was in high school. I've only kissed you since we started dating. That's 3 years I've went without kissing anyone other than you." You laughed. Pete flattened his lips and looked down at the picture.

"Wow, you haven't aged a day." He mumbled. You giggled and kissed his cheek, taking back your son.


"Andy, it's 2 am. Who could you possibly be talking to?" You asked lifting your face from his bare chest.

"It's no one babe. Just go back to sleep." He said quickly. You narrowed your already sleepy eyes at him and sat up.

"Obviously it's someone. Casper just don't go around texting people at 2 am!" You snapped.

"It's not important (Y/N). Seriously, just go to bed. Your look tired." Andy lied.

"Yeah I am tired. Tired of these lies." You mumbled, moving to the far end of the bed.

"Goodnight." You grumbled, pulling the sheets away from Andy. You were petty like that.

*Next Morning*

You woke up to Andy's still sleeping body. This was your chance. You looked over at his phone to see if he had anymore messages. Paranoia was just consuming you. You looked at the phone and saw the messages.

Can't wait for this afternoon!!

What was he doing this afternoon?!

"Andrew John Hurley, who the hell is XVX and why are you seeing them this afternoon?!" You yelled. Andy jumped as he woke up.

"(Y/N), what's going on?" He asked. You shoved the phone in his face as you went off.

"Are you cheating on me? If you are, I promise you I will cry a river so I can drown you in it!" You rambled.

"XVX? It's my gym thingy. Ya know, Crossfit." Andy cleared up.

"Oh...I'm not gonna cry that river and drown you. I was only kidding." You said softly. Andy smiled sleepily and kissed the side of your head.

"I know baby girl." He mumbled.

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