Patrick Imagine: No, I Meant Your Other Friend

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Patrick's POV

I sat in the diner with Pete, Joe, and Andy after a successful show.

"How's Elisa?" Andy asked.

"Didn't work out. She doesn't like my work schedule." I sighed. I mean, when we broke it off, I was pretty upset, but now I was more lonely.

"That's alright man you'll surely find someone else. I mean sometimes these girls just get confused." Pete stated, patting my shoulder.

"Yeah, whatever." I scoffed.

"I've got just the girl too. Here she is! (Y/N), over here!" Joe called. A girl with (H/C) hair turned to us and smiled. Wow, she definitely had a beautiful smile. She walked to us as slid into the booth with Joe and Andy.

"Hey Joey. Thanks for inviting me out with your friends." (Y/N) smiled.

"No problem." Joe replied.

"I'm Andy." Andy said holding out a hand.

"(Y/N)." She said sweetly. Her voice sounded like sweet music to my ears. It was better than anything I could ever play and have ever heard. (Y/N) looked over at me and Pete's side and a blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Hey Joe, who's your friend?" She asked.

"That's Pete." He said. I felt my heart drop as Pete held out his hand. (Y/N), shook it being polite but shot and apologetic smile.

"Sorry sugar, but I meant your other friend." She said.

"Oh you meant Patrick!" Joe cleared up. (Y/N) smiled at me and outstretched a hand.

"Nice to meet ya Patrick." She said softly.

"Right back atcha." I chuckled lightly.

*Time Skip brought to you by Andy blessing us with a drum solo*

By the end of the night, I got to know (Y/N) really well. She was one of the sweetest girls I've ever met and she was super funny. She didn't seem to find anything offensive.

"Well, time for us to hit the road. Sorry (Y/N). It was great hanging with you though." Joe apologized. (Y/N) shrugged and slid out of the booth. She hugged Joe, Andy, and then Pete. The guys had left me and (Y/N) by the booth.

"So, you could probably call me, right?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. I'm busy a lot. I don't know if you'd appreciate my work schedule." I sighed.

"Dude, call me when you get the chance. I'm pretty busy a lot too." She giggled. I took a minute to look into her playful eyes and cracked a smile.

"You're amazing." I confessed. (Y/N) blushed and scratched her arm.

"Eh...I'm just me." She replied.

"How about I take you out after this tour?" I suggested.

"That would be surreal."

"Awesome. I'll call you sometime."

"I'll be looking for it." I smiled and kissed her quickly, hugging her.

"Bye (Y/N)." I said.

"Bye Patrick." She waved. I walked outside to the guys who were smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"Look at you hopping back on the horse." Joe teased.

"Soon (Y/N)'s gonna be hopping on Patrick's horse." Pete snickered.

"That's my cue to go to bed." I groaned walking into the tour bus, leaving the rest of them outside laughing. My phone vibrated and I looked down at it.

Any time to talk rockstar? ;)

I smiled and started to type back, forgetting about my sleep.

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