Pete Imagine: If I Fall For You Pt. 4

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A/N: His braids literally make me want to die because they are so cute! I wonder if he felt any pain because when my mom does my braids, they hurt like hell for a day or two and I've had my hair in braids all my life. Sorry...imagine time!!

You and Pete knocked on Ashlee's door, Pete holding your purse for you. He said he wanted to be a gentleman.

"Hey Pete, hey (Y/N)! Come on in guys. I just finished dinner." Ashlee smiled opening the door. You and Pete walked inside and were directed to the dining room. Lance, who sat at the head of the table, smiled and waved upon your arrival.

"Hey, how was the traffic?" Lance asked politely.

"It was okay. (Y/N), the little impatient cutie, thought it took forever though." Pete replied kissing your cheek. You giggled as a blush really did find its way on your cheeks.

"I'm not impatient! It really did take a long time." You defended, shoving Pete slightly. You went to sit in the seat next to you, but Pete beat you to it, and pulled the chair out for you.

"For my baby girl." He smiled charmingly. Once again, you blushed and sat down.

"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the 3rd! What did I tell you about making blush like this?" You scolded, really just wanting an excuse to use his first name.

"Sorry lovely." He winked, sitting next to you. Ashlee walked in with plates of food and set them down.

"Everyone just help yourselves!" She smiled. After everyone had gotten their plates of food, Ashlee wanted to make conversation.

"So, how'd you two meet?" She asked. You and Pete both looked at each other.

"You wanna tell her, or should I?" You asked.

"I'll tell it. It is one of my favorite stories." Pete smiled, bringing the back of your hand to his lips.

"On March 22nd, 2013, is when I met (Y/N) at Starbucks after I came back from band practice." Pete said, just as rehearsed.

"That's nice. What do you do (Y/N)?" Lance asked. All eyes were on you, including Pete's curious eyes.

"Me? I work at a flower shop. It's sort of like the family business." You explained.

"That's beautiful. Pete used to take me on dates outside of flower shops. Something about the smell right?" Ashlee commented.

"Yeah. Something about flowers just...entice me." He sighed.

*Time Skip brought to you by Pete staring at you all through dinner and you only noticing a small number of times*

"Thanks for coming over you guys. Maybe we'll meet again." Ashlee said, waving goodbye. You smiled back before getting into Pete's car. Pete sat in the drivers seat and smiled at you.

"What?" You asked defensively.

"You never told me about the flower shop." He stated, that dumb smile still on his face.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't think it was important." You chuckled lightly. Pete nodded and drove you to your house. He got out of the car and walked you to your doorstep.

"So I guess this is goodbye?" Pete said. You shrugged and stuck out a hand.

"It was great getting to know you Pete Wentz." You smiled. Pete took your hand and pulled you into a hug. You both stayed there for a while until he pulled back.

"Bye (Y/N) (L/N). It was great getting to know you." He replied. Pete walked to his car and you watched as he drove away, your heart breaking a bit. Maybe you loved him?

To be continued...

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