Patrick Imagine: No, I Meant Your Other Friend Pt.3

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A/N: It just occurred to me I left you guys on a major cliffhanger with this imagine. Lemme fix that.

Patrick's POV

"Are you 100% positive that your pregnant?" I asked.

"I took 6 tests. All were positive." (Y/N) sighed.

"Do you want the baby?"

"You mean am I gonna abort it or not? I don't know. I don't think so. Do you want the baby?"

"(Y/N), it's not really my place to tell you what to do with your body, and the things that grow inside of it, but I got you into this, so I'll be there every step of the way." (Y/N) smiled softly and looked up at me with her (E/C) vulnerable eyes.

"I think I wanna keep it. Just as long as I'm not gonna be alone." She confirmed. I kissed her slowly before pulling back.

"You're never gonna be alone, promise." I whispered.

*Time Skip of 8 months brought to you by a montage of Patrick trying to prepare to be a father (and sometimes failing)*

Today was the day. (Y/N) had went into labor 4 hours ago and I was ready to meet my new kid. I stood next to (Y/N) as she was pushing, trying to be encouraging.

"Jesus Patrick, this hurts like hell dude." She panted. I gave an encouraging smile and kissed her sweaty forehead.

"Don't worry baby girl, you're doing great." I told her. She screamed as another contraction took place.

"I can see the baby's head (Y/N)! Just a few more big pushes." The nurse said. (Y/N) looked over at me and I squeezed her hand.

"Come on, our beautiful little baby is almost here." I smiled. (Y/N) gave 5 more pushes before the loudest cry I'd ever heard, pierced my ears. It was the babies first cry. I smiled down at (Y/N) exhausted face and kissed her forehead repeatedly.

"You did it! You did it! Our baby's here." I said excitedly. (Y/N) chuckled weakly as our baby was brought over.

"Congrats, it's a boy." The nurse smiled. I carefully took the baby from her arms and passed it to (Y/N)

"A boy? Patrick, we have a son." She sniffled. I couldn't help but cry watching (Y/N) hold our son. The baby we created together.

"Oh my god." I sobbed.

"What should we name him?" (Y/N) asked, tears also streaming down her face.

"...Declan. We should name him Declan." I suggested. (Y/N) just smiled and turned her attention back to the small human in her arms.

"Declan it is. Little baby Declan." She giggled in glee.

"I love you so much." I confessed kissing her.

"And I love you Patrick. So much more than you'll ever know. I constantly thank God for Joe. Without him, we would've  never met." I smiled at her and Declan nodding my head at the last statement. Maybe good things do come from the bad.

A/N: did anyone catch my sick reference. I'm so corny XD

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