Andy Imagine: Mother Hurley

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A/N: what are eyes? Mine burn. Enjoy!

Pete's POV

"I can't believe you!" (Y/N) yelled walking out from the elevator with (Boy Name).

"But princess, I didn't mean anything by it." (Boy Name) begged. She turned to him quickly, her hair and skirt twirling with her speed.

"I don't care what you meant by it. I know what I saw. If you honestly want to be with someone closer to your age, stop me now before my hopes go any higher, (Boy Name)." (Y/N) walked off in the direction of her room and I was left standing in the living room with (Boy Name).

"What did I do?" He asked. I shrugged in confusion.

Your POV

You stomped into your room and saw Andy cleaning up.

"Hey (Nickname), what's up?" He asked.

"Boys are dumb butts." You huffed, leaning against a wall. Andy turned to you.

"(Boy Name)? Did he do something to you?" Andy asked.

"Say the word kid and I'll kill him." He added.

"It's whatever." You scoffed. Andy took off his cleaning goggles and left.

"Where's he going?" You asked yourself. Andy came back in holding a shotgun.

"I don't know about you, but (Y/N), we need to talk about this." He demanded, cocking the gun for extra effect. You sighed and rolled you eyes.

"Whatever." You said.

Andy's POV

I sat on the couch in the middle of (Y/N) and (Boy Name).

"What did you do to her? God, I gave you one job, don't hurt her." I sighed, looking at (Boy Name).

"I don't know what I did wrong! One minute we were walking in the park, the next she's yelling at me because some woman came and started talking to me." (Boy Name) explained.

"You idiot!" I yelled.

"Why am I an idiot?" (Boy Name) growled.

"She wanted you to stop the conversation with the woman and pay attention to her." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because she's insecure. You're older, she's younger. There are a lot of women your age who would love to be with you, (Boy Name). (Y/N) is afraid you'll leave her for one of them." I explained.

"But I won't! I love her too much." (Boy Name) argued.

"Don't tell me, tell her." I said.

"I just...I'm so immature and there are so much older women for him to choose from. Why would he stay with me?" (Y/N) sighed, looking at me

"Because he loves you (Y/N). I'm not one for love. Adoration is more what I believe in, but when I see you and (Boy Name), I do believe in love, if only for a little while. He loves you and you just need to put all your belief in that and take it. The kid is in love with you." I spoke.

"But for how long? Temptation is big nowadays. There is not a doubt in my mind some women will come over and try to take him from me."

"If he really loves you, he'll decline their advances. In fact, I know he will." (Y/N) put her head in her hands and sighed.

"I let myself feel too much for him and now I felt so vulnerable and scared." She confessed.

"That's how you feel?" (Boy Name) asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I really like you (Boy Name). I'm really sorry for how mad I got." (Y/N) apologized.

"You have all the right to be mad. I should not have let that woman get anywhere near me." (Boy Name) sighed. He smiled and kissed her.

"Okay enough of that. Hurt my (Y/N) again and I will skin you alive, is that clear?" I threatened.

"Yes sir." (Boy Name) replied pulling out of the kiss. I smiled and walked away.

"You go mother Hurley." I mumbled to myself.

A/N: oh jeeze I've been so behind thanks to play but tonight is my last performance. I've done three already without a flaw so I hope all is well tonight. I hope you guys enjoyed this

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