Pref #10: How To Save A Life

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"(Y/N), please." Patrick sniffled.

"I'm tired." You rasped, holding tightly on to his hand.

"I know baby, I know. But can't you just stay? For me?"

"I wish I could. You know I do." Patrick broke down sobbing at that as you tried to sooth his cries.

"But...we were gonna get married!" He exclaimed. You bit your lip, feeling your eyes get heavy.

"I...I was already your wife...Patrick." You mumbled before your heart rate monitor flatlined.


"Joseph, get up! I will not let you die." You yelled, pounding on your boyfriend's chest.

"(Y/N), he's-"

"No! Not yet! He's not dead yet! Paddles!" You cried, cutting off Andy.

"Dr. (L/N)..." Pete sighed.

"Paddles, please!" You begged looking around. The other doctors were watching you with pity in their eyes.

"(Y/N), he's D.N.R.; do not revive." Patrick said softly. You let out a broken sob and fell onto the chest of your, now dead, boyfriend.

"I love you." You sobbed.


Pete sat next to your bleeding body in shock and horror. The blood was soaking into his jeans but it didn't matter. You were dead. In an alley. Left alone. He pulled you into his arms and cradled you, rocking back and forth.

"I'm sorry. I should've never let you go out. I should've fought harder for you. I should've done everything in my power to keep you from leaving.'re dead." He cried. Your angel like featured would forever be engraved in Pete's mind as he remembers holding his best friend/ love of his life I. His arms for the last time.

"I never even got to tell you I love you." He sniffled.


"Please tell me he's gonna be fine. Someone tell me my husband's going to live!" You yelled at the doctor standing in front of you.

"Mrs. Hurley, we are trying our hardest to save your husband. A gunshot wound to the head is very critical. We're doctors, not miracle workers." The doctor replied. You slammed your hand against a wall and glared at the doctor.

"Well, you better hope and pray that you spontaneously turn into a miracle worker and save my husband!" You ordered. Just as you heard that another doctor came out with a grave look on his face.

"Mrs. Hurley..." He started.

"No! No, no, no, no. I don't wanna hear it! Please don't say it." You cried.

"I'm sorry. The bullet was too deep and we just couldn't save him. I'm so very, deeply sorry for your loss." The second doctor said. You fell to the floor crying hysterically.

"I'm only 28 and I'm already a widow." You sobbed.

A/N: feeling pretty death like today.

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