Pref #27: 40's Era

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You stood in the corner of the dance hall, talking with your friends. The red lipstick stained your lips as you fiddled with the hem of your black and white polka dotted dress. You were the only think Patrick could watch that night.

"Oi, what's the matter? So many dolls in the place and you're only staring at one. What, you carrying a torch for that one?" Pete asked his friend teasingly. Patrick blushed and shook his head.

"I mean, can ya blame me? Geeze Pete, she sure is looking ritzy over there." Patrick fawned.

"Go and ask the doll to dance. Show her how much of a ducky shincracker you really are!" Pete pushed Patrick in your direction and he collided with you.

"My apologies doll. My friend over there was just being a real wise guy." Patrick growled at Pete. You giggled slightly at his adorable features and outstretched a hand.

"How about you give me a dance and I'll forget all about it?" You smirked. Patrick smiled before pulling you on to the dance floor.


"Ya gotta be kidding me! Doll, it's pennies from heaven! For you and the baby." Joe argued, placing a hand on your stomach.

"Don't be a fat-head Trohman! Who was it anyway who put the idea of joining the army in your head anyway?!" You glared.

"It doesn't matter! Look, it's pennies from heaven! I go out there and fight and you and the baby get money."

"Pennies from heaven?! Did you forget the part where you're shooting at people who want you dead?" Joe sighed and took your hands in his.

"My country needs me doll. If you won't let me do it for you, at least let me do it for dear old Uncle Sam." He pleaded. You frowned and looked up into his eyes.

"Uncle Sam was never expecting a child Joseph." You said fiercely. Joe kissed you deeply for a few minutes before pulling back.

"(Y/N), I'm being shipped off to England in three days." He confessed guiltily. You felt your heart drop at the realization that your husband would be leaving you and your unborn child.


"So, you still stuck on (Y/N) (L/N)?" Joe teased. Andy and Patrick chuckled as Pete blushed, the four of them all making their way home.

"I'm not stuck on her." He mumbled.

"Oh please! I've never seen you so doll dizzy before." Andy snickered.

"Not doll dizzy, just interested. I mean, all the girls beg me for a dance while she just stands there. It's not natural." Pete groaned.

"Maybe she's spoken for?" Patrick suggested.

"Nope, (Y/N) called it off with Gerard about a month ago. They weren't working." Joe smiled.

"Then there's your chance Pete!" Patrick exclaimed.

"I don't have a chance! I'm fresh out of 'em." He yelled.

"Don't flip your wig there buddy, but Patrick's right. In fact, there (Y/N) sitting on the steps." Andy noticed. Everyone's eyes turned to you as you sat on the steps of Pete's house.

"Scram!" Pete whispered harshly to his friends. They chuckled but walked off. Pete took a deep breath and made his way to you.

"Hey there doll, waiting for me?" He smiled.

"Yes actually. We need to talk." You said seriously.

"What's buzzin, cousin?"

"Ya need to stop carrying a torch for me, alright. You're nothing but a player and its givin' me a bad reputation." Pete frowned and looked at the saddened look on your face.

"You really think in a player?" He asked.

"Peter, you've bedded more girls than I can count on one hand." You scoffed.

"That's not true! I've only ever been with one gal and she used me."

"Then why are ya always flirting with them other girls?"

"I'm trying to make you jealous! I really do like you (Y/N), but you keep rejecting me."

"Because you flirt with other girls!" Both you and Pete went quiet before looking at each other. Pete sighed and took your hand in his.

"Listen doll, I wanna do this right. Go out on a date with me? I really like you (Y/N)." He asked. You smiled slightly before kissing his cheek.

"A date sounds swell." You blushed.


You walked from school with your friend, holding your books closely to your chest as you giggled.

"Sarah, your dad would flip his wig if he found out the things you were doing with Brendon." You giggled.

"Brendon is nothing but a gentleman to me so to hell what my father thinks." Sarah scoffed. You were about to reply when you noticed you were passing the car shop. That's where Andy works.

"(Y/N), are you looking for him again?" Sarah smirked.

"My dad sent in his car. I just need to go check and make sure everything's going swell." You shrugged innocently.

"Whatever. I'm going to home. Have fun with Andy." Sarah laughed. You walked into the garage and saw Andy working on a car in his white tshirt and slacks.

"Hey there." You smiled. Andy turned to you, a smile on his face.

"(Y/N) (L/N). What brings you here doll?" He asked.

"My pops dropped off his car here a few days ago. How's that coming along?"

"Oh, it just needed and oil change. I called him today."

"Oh." You were lost for works. You rarely ever knew what to say around Andy.

"Anything else you need?" Andy asked, pulling you from your thoughts.

"Nope." You sighed. Andy grabbed a rag to clean off his oily hands, smiling at you softly.

"Since I have you here doll, you think maybe I can ask you out. Maybe for a quick bite or some dancing. Your choice of course, but I'll be kicking myself in my grave if I don't ask." Andy questioned. You smiled, nodding your head eagerly.

"Sounds swell! Um, you can call my house phone if you wanna talk to me. I'll try to pick up." You said nervously. Andy just chucked and smiled.

"It sounds like a done deal, doll." He confirmed.

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