Joe Imagine: The Feeling

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A/N: I'm giving you friend names in this because I feel like it. Enjoy!

You sat at your lunch table with your two friends as you happily played with a napkin.

"(Y/N), why the hell do you look so happy? It's pissing me off." Your friend, Michael, asked.

"Leave her alone. It's good to see her happy for a change." Your other friend, Isabella, frowned.

"Guys, I'm just happy alright. You can drop it now." You giggled. Your phone suddenly lit up and everyone looked at the contact name.

"Joey? Who the hell is Joey?" Michael asked. You blushed and picked up the phone.

"Oh my gosh, you have a boyfriend!" Isabella cheered.

"He's not my boyfriend! We...we just hang out and talk." You said shyly.

"Well, spill! I wanna hear everything about this guy!" Michael smiled, suddenly interested.

"Well, his name is Joseph. He goes to that all boys private school. He...he's amazing. When I'm with him I just...I can't think straight. It's weird. He touches my hand and I just feel all tingly. He kisses my cheek and I just blush so much. He's such a gentleman and his smile is gorgeous. Honestly, I just...I'd pay him to smile any day. He plays guitar and has a great voice. Everything about him is perfect." You gushed.

"Jeeze, you talk about this guy as if he hung the stars." Isabella smirked.

"I honestly wouldn't be surprised he did." You sighed.

"So you really like him, huh?" Michael stated.

"Yeah. I think he likes me a lot too. He just hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet." Michael placed a hand on your shoulder and smiled.

"Don't worry. You'll get that title soon." He promised.

"I hope so." You hoped before looking down to answer Joe's text.

Fall Out Boy Imagines 3: Return of The FeelsWhere stories live. Discover now