Special Imagine: Just Breath

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Requested by @tmntchic.

You waved goodbye to your dad as he dropped you off at the concert venue. You were super excited to go and see Fall Out Boy in concert. You arrived at the venue pretty early so the doors weren't even open yet. You waited outside until the heart of the sun got to you. You decided to look around and find an opening so you could hopefully get in.

When you find an open door, you walked in and saw the empty area that would soon be populated by many screaming fans. It was then when you heard the bass line to Dance Dance. You turned to the stage and saw Fall Out Boy preformed get their sound check.

"Alright Patrick, can I hear a few notes into that mic?" A man asked.

"Dance, dance." Patrick sang, sounding like the Angel he is.

"Great. Andy, drums?" The man asked. Andy gave a few taps on the rims and the man looked over at Joe who gave a guitar riff.

"Alright thanks guys, that's great." The guys handed off their instruments when Patrick noticed you standing and watching awestruck. He nudged Pete who turned to him.

"What's up dude?" Pete asked.

"Do you see that girl over there?" Patrick said. Pete looked over at you, surprise on his face.

"Let's go see what her deal is." He shrugged. Patrick called over Joe and Andy as they made their way over to you.

"Hey, are you lost?" Joe asked you.

"I...I came early and it was hot outside. A door was open." You stuttered.

"Are your parents here?" Patrick said, eyebrows furrowed. You shook your head no.

"What's your name?" Andy smiled softly.

"(Y/N)." You replied.

"Well (Y/N), you wanna hang with us until the show starts? That way you don't have to be alone." Pete offered. He felt bad that you were here by yourself and wanted to make this concert experience fun for you.

"Th-Thank you so much." You gasped. You sat and talked with the guys for a while until the show was about to start. They learned a lot about you and decided you were an awesome person. Once it was 5 minutes until show time, you made your way into the pit. When the show finally did start, you began to enjoy your time in the pit, until it all became too much. You started to have trouble breathing and, instead of letting yourself pass out in the crowd, you decided you had to leave before the last two songs.

When the show was over, the guys needed to cool down, so they went out to the back of the venue for some air. It was then when Andy spotted you sitting under a tree with your head in your hands.

"Guys, isn't that (Y/N)?" He asked, bringing everyone's attention to you.

"Yeah, let's go check on her." Joe suggested. The guys made their way to you and you looked up noticing their presence.

"(Y/N), what's up?" Pete asked.

"I...I have problems breathing s-sometimes in crowds. I thought tonight w-would be different." You explained, still trying to breath. Andy put his hand on your back.

"It's fine. Just breath in and then breath out. In, out, in, out." He coached you. You nodded and did as you were told.

"It's okay, you're surrounded by air now." Joe joked lightly.

"Yeah, you've got all the air you can hope for." Pete continued.

"Just keep breathing." Patrick smiled. You smiled back as you continued to take deep breaths.

"Thank you guys. So much." You said gratefully.

"No problem. You're a cool person (Y/N)." Pete smiled. A honk rang out, making you turn your attention to your dad's car.

"That's my dad. I gotta go." You said, a bit disappointedly.

"Hey, have a good night alright?" Patrick said. You nodded and turned, running to your dad's car.

"Are those the Fall Down Guys?" He whispered to you as you got in the car.

"Yeah dad. They're really good people." You replied, a blush and small smile on your face.

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