Andy Imagine: Flowers

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Andy was always sweet on you. It all started in 1st grade when you moved to Milwaukee. When Andy saw you, he was immediately drawn to you (which was weird because he knew girls had cooties, but he didn't care if you had it). He would draw pictures for you everyday and at recess, he would pick flowers from the school garden (ultimately resulting in a time out). You always kept the flowers though, they made pretty bookmarks!

"H-Hi (Y/N)!" Andy stuttered walking over to you and your friends.

"Hiya Andy! Do you wanna play hopscotch with us?" You asked sweetly. Andy blushed and looked away bashfully.

"No thanks. I-I just wanted to give you these." Andy smiled, presenting the flowers to you. You smiled and took them gratefully.

"These are really pretty Andy. Thank you." You said. Andy giggled before running off to his friends.

As the years went on, you continued to get flowers from Andy. He gave you flowers at your first semi formal in the 8th grade, flowers for prom, flowers when you graduated college, and flowers the day he proposed to you. And then one day, you turned the tables.

"Andy! I have something to show you!" You yelled to your husband.

"What is it? I have to get to the studio soon." Andy asked, pulling on a shirt as he walked over to you. You handed Andy a bouquet of flowers.

"Look inside." You smiled. Andy gave you a weird look before peering inside of the flowers. He gasped and pulled out the positive pregnancy test.

"You're pregnant?" Andy asked in shock.

"Yeah. We're gonna be parents." You replied, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips. Andy laughed and pulled you in for a kiss.

"Thank you. I love you so much." He said giddily. You laughed and pulled him in for another kiss.

Now, standing in front of your grave and holding your 3 year old son, Andy laid down a bouquet of flowers and wiped his eyes.

You always did love the flowers after all.

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