Patrick Imagine: Bath Time

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*Implied Sexual Content*

You sat in the bath tub, bubbles covering your whole body. Only your eyes were visible above the mountains of bubbles you created. The slight pink tint of the bubbles caught your eye as you blew a puff of bubbles off of your hand. You loved bath time as a kid and really missed it.

"(Y/N), you home?" Your boyfriend, Patrick, called. He had been at the studio all day working on his new solo album, Soul Punk.

"Bathroom." You replied, placing bubbles on your head. Patrick knocked on the bathroom door before entering.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled, kissing you. You giggled and kissed back.

"Hey. How was work today?" You asked.

"Pretty good. Album should be done soon." Patrick replied back excitedly.

"That's great Trick." You smiled. Patrick looked at the pile of bubbles on your head and chuckled. He sat on the edge of the tub, taking off his brown trench coat.

"So I see you've been having a fun time without me." He stated.

"It gets boring without you and when I'm bored, I have to find some way to entertain myself." You explained. Patrick picked up some bubbles and blew them at your face.

"Yeah, I can see why this is entertaining." He smiled.

"It would be more entertaining if you would come and join me..." You suggested innocently. Patrick smirked and took off his tie.

"Well, that's a very interesting proposal." He pondered. Next he started unbuttoning his shirt.

"It's been a long time since I myself have had a bath. Especially with such a beautiful woman." He teased. His pants were the next to go.

"Keep teasing me and you won't even make it in the tub. I'll just have to take you to the bedroom and have my wicked way with you." You threatened.

"Is that so?" Patrick asked.

"Damn right." Patrick slowly slid his boxer-briefs down his legs, without even breaking eye contact with you.

"Show me." He whispered.

Let's just say your perfectly good bubble bath went to waste that night, but for good reasons.

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