Pete Imagine: If I Fall For You Pt. 5

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*2 Weeks Later*

You stood behind the counter of the flower shop, reading a magazine. It was a slow day, much like how you weeks have been since you last saw Pete. Life was surprisingly boring when you weren't pretending to be some guys girlfriend.

"(Y/N), I'm going out on my break. I'll be back in about 15 minutes." Your mom, the owner of the store, said. You nodded in acknowledgment. You heard the bell ring, signaling that your mom had exited the store. You sighed and turned the page of your magazine, reaching a perfect boy quiz.

"There is no perfect boy, cause a perfect boy would come and see you after 2 weeks." You mumbled bitterly. Even though you were a little salty, you took the dumb quiz. You heard the bell ring and put down the magazine

"Welcome to (L/N)'s flower shop. How can I help you?" You asked, standing up. When your eyes reached the customers, you blushed.

"Hi, can I get an assorted arrangement of flowers?" Pete smirked. So the asshole did know you still existed. You nodded and walked in front of the counter.

"Which flowers, sir?" You asked.

"Two Acacia Blossoms, four Arbutus', an Aster, a pink, red, and white Camellia, a red Carnation, and a red Chrysanthemum." Pete said.

"Wow, who's the lucky receiver of these flowers? You must really like her." You mumbled, trying not to sound as bitter as you actually were.

"She's beautiful and has such a fun personality. I really really like her, maybe even love." Pete smiled. You pressed your lips tightly together and began gathering the flowers. Love? I bet this girl didn't pretend to be his girlfriend to make his ex jealous. That was you! Yeah you were a bit pissed, but whatever. Boys will be boys right? You wrapped the stems in plastic and added the plant food. You handed the flowers to Pete and walked behind the register.

"That will be $25.76." You calculated. Pete handed you $30.

"Keep the change." He shrugged. You forced a smile and put the money in the register.

"Thank you sir. Come again." You said. Pete turned to leave but suddenly stop.

"Is there something else I can help you with sir?" You asked a bit rudely. Pete turned back to you with a fond smile on his face.

"You are (Full Name) and you were born on (birthday). You were born in (hometown) and you used to (favorite hobby). You favorite memory is (favorite memory). You'd help a stranger you just met if they need it, when you smile your eyes have a twinkle in them. You have different laughs for different kinds of humor, you chew your food a certain number of times, and you blush a lot." He stated. Pete walked back to the counter and handed you the flowers.

"I knew you for a few days in fell in love harder than I ever had before." He chuckled slightly. You took the flowers with a smile on your face.

"I fell for you too." You confessed. You walked to the front of the counter and pressed you lips against Pete's. You two stayed like that until the bell rang. You broke apart to see your mom with an amused smile on her face.

"So (Y/N), so you wanna take your break now?" She asked. You and Pete chuckled.

"I actually would mom." You said. She waved you off happily and you threw your apron behind the counter, leaving the store with Pete.

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