Joe Imagine: Goodbyes Are Hard To Do

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"So...this is it huh?" You said softly. A 14 year old you looked down at your feet, shuffling nervously.

"Uh yeah. I guess it is." 15 year old Joe sighed. You both looked at each other, so close, yet feeling so far.



There it was again, the silence; so deafeningly loud and it engulfed the both of you.

"Joseph, we're leaving soon! Finish up your goodbye." His mother called as the moving van was closed. He was really leaving. Your best friend was moving away, leaving you lost.

"(Y/N), I'm gonna miss-"

"Please don't go." You cut him off with a sob. Joe tilted his head in confusion.

"Don't go. I-I-I'm gonna be alone next year. How sad is that? Me being all by myself for my sophomore year. It's really not gonna be fun. You're my best friend Joseph, people like you don't come around everyday. Please, make your parents reconsider." You cried. Joe pulled you into a hug, rubbing your back.

"My dad already took the job, (Y/N). You know the last thing I wanna do is to leave you." Joe mumbled.

"Who else is gonna talk shit about the other girls with me? Joe, you're the only friend I have!"

"You'll make new friends! You are a beautiful, smart, and funny person. Hell, that's what made us friends. You are a great person (Y/N), whoever doesn't wanna be your friend is just plain stupid if they can't see that." You pulled out of the hug and looked into Joe's blue eyes.

"I just don't wanna say goodbye." You confessed.

"I know. How about we just say, see ya later?" Joe suggested. You shrugged and took a deep breath.

"See ya later Joe." You sniffled.

"Se ya later (Y/N)." Joe smiled sadly. The sound of a car horn snapped the two of you out of your gaze.

"Come on Joe!" Joe's father called. He gave you an apologetic smile before hugging you and, without thinking, kissing you.

"Until we meet again." He promised running off to the car. You just stood there, shock written all over your face.

Your best friend just took your first kiss and ran off with it.

And you most likely would never see him again.

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