Pete Imagine: Home Pt. 3

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Previously on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

We walked through the store and I noticed the state that (Y/N) was in. She was shaking with each step she took and she looked so little. I could tell she was scared as hell. Does she not want to do this? Is she not ready? Am I not ready? Should we wait? I said,

"Look at me, baby. Do you wanna have this baby? I'll still be your baby if you say no"

Now, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

"I...I don't know. I think I do." She sniffled. I sighed and pushed the fallen strands of hair out of her face.

"You're scared, aren't you?" I asked softly.

"Petrified." (Y/N) sobbed before burying her face in my chest. I let her cry into my shirt as I held her.

"We're not even sure if your pregnant. Let's just get the test and take this one step at a time." I suggested. (Y/N) raised her head from my chest and nodded. I wiped the residual tears from her face with my thumb.

"There we go. No way in hell in gonna let my girl cry in front of me."  I smiled softly. (Y/N) attempted for a smile as she took my hand back in hers.

"Come." I spoke softly. I led her to the pregnancy test and picked up the best brand there. We then walked to the counter. (Y/N) put the box up in the counter as I pulled out my wallet.

"That'll be $9.49." The man behind the counter said. I nodded and took out a 10 dollar bill.

"Keep the change." I told him, taking the test.

"Thank you and good luck." The man smiled. I led (Y/N) back to the car, holding a box of plastic sticks that would determine our future for us.

When we got home, (Y/N) ran to the bathroom and took all 3 of the tests in the box. When she was done, she called me in the bathroom to wait with her. (Y/N) sat on the toilet seat as I sat on the edge of the bathtub. It was eerily silent.

" might be as good a time as any. (Y/N), I meant to ask you this earlier today, but will you move in with me? I mean you're here most of the time anyway and you wouldn't even have to pay for your apartment anymore." I asked. (Y/N) let out a relieved sighed and nodded.

"Of course I'll move in Pete. At first I thought you weren't serious about me. Then I thought I was pregnant and I was so paranoid that you'd leave me." She rambled.

"Darling, I'm very particular about things. I try to have plans, but in reality, I can't know what the future holds for me. The only thing I'm positively sure about is that I want you in my life." I assured her. (Y/N) bit her lip in fear as she looked into my eyes.

"...even with a baby?" She asked. I took her hands in mine and smiled.

"I may not be the best father, but I'll try my hardest. You can grab my hand harder, I promise I won't let go. I love you (Y/N) and I will love our baby too." I promised. (Y/N) smiled and kissed me. When 5 minutes were up, she looked at the tests with wide, tear filled eyes.

"What do they say?" I asked. She turned all three positive tests towards me and a smile found its was on my face. We were having a baby.


I stood in the nursery, rocking Bronx back and forth in my arms.

"Aren't you glad mommy and daddy got this new house. There's even a yard for you to play in." I cooed. I felt hands on my shoulders. I turned to see (Y/N) smiling over my shoulder.

"He needs to go to bed now." She whispered. I nodded and handed Bronx off to her. (Y/N) cradled his head carefully as she set him down in the crib. She was a natural of course and made everything so much easier. I really do love her.

"Come to bed soon. You have band practice early tomorrow." She said.

"Yes ma'am." I smiled, kissing her. (Y/N) walked out of the nursery as I pulled the ring out of my pocket. Screw the future, it's time for me to start living in the now.

Now I could finally complete the home...

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