Pref #19: Braces

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"(Y/N), let me see." Patrick whined. You just shook your head defiantly. You had just gotten your braces an hour earlier and your best friend really wanted to see them. You didn't like your braces though. They made your mouth feel weird and you were agonizing the moment they would start to hurt. Make it worse, you had to keep them on for a year and a half! That's way too much pain for you to handle.

"(Y/N), please let me see. I won't laugh or anything. I just wanna see how you look with your braces. Please?" Patrick begged. You sighed and gave in.

"Fine." You mumbled. You turned to Patrick and gave him a half-hearted smile.

"(Y/N) look great." Patrick stuttered honestly.

"You mean it?" You asked.

"Yeah, I mean, this will take a while getting used to, but the braces really fit you." You smiled genuinely and pulled Patrick into a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you Tricky." You mumbled.


"Alright, smile for me baby girl!" Joe cheered. You giggled showing off your new braces.

"You look so cute!" He squealed, kissing your cheek.

"Don't lie. I look like a train station." You laughed.

"Even if you did, and you don't, you're my train station." Joe replied. You laughed again, making Joe smile.

"What?" You giggled.

"Did I ever tell you I have a thing for girls with fucked up teeth?" He asked smoothly. You scoffed and shoved your boyfriend lightly in the chest.

"You are such a dork." You smiled.

"Your dork." Joe sneered, pulling you into a hug.


"I want them off!" You cried.

"(Y/N), you don't look bad." Pete sighed, rubbing your back.

"Yeah but they hurt like a bitch being fucked up the ass with a cactus!" You screamed. Pete flinched and looked at you with wide eyes.

"Do you want something? Do you want some water or maybe ice cream?" He asked softly.

"I just want the pain to stop!" You pleaded.

*Time Skip brought to you by Pete being a v concerned kitty as he tries to find a solution to your pain*

"Okay, this is gonna sound weird, but when Saint was teething, I would put Orajel on his gums and he wouldn't be in that much pain. Your teeth are in your gums, so your gums must hurt! If I put the Orajel on your gums, you should be okay!" Pete explained happily. At this point you'd try anything, so you opened your mouth and allowed for Pete to put the gel on your gums because you two were goals. In the end, your teeth did stop hurting and you gave Pete the best cuddling session of his life.


"Let's see 'em!" Andy smiled. You sighed and smiled for him playfully.

"Look at you! You look so cute! How long do you have to wear them?" He asked.

"I have to wear them for a year and a half." You replied.

"Hey, that's not too bad! That year and a half will fly by."

"Yeah. Let's go somewhere. Preferably your house though. I like your AC." Andy just laughed and led you to his car.

"Come on brace face." He chuckled.

"Wow, I can always count on you to lift my spirits." You said sarcastically.

"All in a day's work." You got in the passenger seat and frowned at what you saw in the back seat.

"A-Are those cookies and brownies?" You asked.

"Yeah. Pete asked me to pick them up for him." Andy replied. He didn't even notice the tears instantly filling your eyes.

"They smell warm." You sniffled.

"Freshly baked. You know how picky Pete is about this things." Andy scoffed. It was only then he heard your sobs. He looked over at you and saw your tears.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" He asked.

"I can't eat cookies or brownies! I can't chew anything for like two or three days!" You explained in gasping sobs.

"Oh...I-I can blend them for you?"

"Are you crazy?! Do I look like the type who would eat blended cookies and brownies?!"

"...I don't know how to answer that." You groaned and grabbed Andy's hand in yours.

"Take me to your house, keep all solid foods away from me, and just cuddle the life out of me...please." You begged. Andy smiled and kissed your hand.

"That I can do." He replied, driving off.

A/N: my friend got braces yesterday and was in so much pain. I kept saying stupid crap to make them smile. They just can't wait to eat real food again. Well, I hope you guys liked the chapter.

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