Patrick Imagine: Know Your Other Half Pt. 3

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You groaned as you had to walk to work today, talking your daughter with you. Of course Pete went out and got shit faced wasted on his date, and although your daughter was more than capable of taking care of a hungover Pete, you really didn't trust it.

"Mommy, are we there yet?" Aaliyah asked.

"Almost sweetie. When we get there, I want you to stay in my dressing room. I'll bring you snacks and leave my phone so you can play games, deal?" You offered. Aaliyah smiled and nodded. The both of you walked into the studio and went straight to your dressing room. You let Aaliyah sit in the couch with your phone as you struggled to get dressed. Today, you were filming your solo scene.

"Alright. I'm gonna come back here on my break and we can go get pizza for lunch. I have bagels and snacks in the mini fridge and the bathroom is in the corner. Are you gonna be a good girl for me?" You explained. Aaliyah smiled and nodded eagerly.

"Yes ma'am!" She replied. You kissed her forehead, running to the set.

Meanwhile, Patrick was walking around looking for you. He wanted to apologize for being so cold and calloused towards you. He walked to your dressing room and knocked.

"(Y/N), you in here?" He asked. When he didn't get an answer, Patrick just assumed it was okay to walk in. He was met with Aaliyah watching tv upside down on the couch, eating pudding cups.

"Aaliyah?" Patrick asked in confusion. She got up right and smiled at Patrick.

"Hey Mr. Patrick! Is my mommy still acting out there?" Aaliyah asked. Patrick just smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. Why'd she bring you in today?" He asked.

"Pete's hungover again. He couldn't watch me so my mom took me to work with her." Aaliyah replied.

"Oh. So, Pete's like a dad to you?"

"No. He's like an uncle though. I don't have a dad. I'm saving that spot for when mommy gets a boyfriend or something."

"(Y/N) doesn't have a boyfriend?"

"Nope. She spends all of her time working or with me. She says she has no time, but I know that's not true."

"Why do you say that?"

"When she goes on dates she tells them she has a daughter and they all leave. No one wants to raise a kid who isn't theirs." Patrick frowned and sat next to Aaliyah on the couch.

"Those men your mother goes on dates with aren't men at all. They're boys because they can't take responsibility and care for other people." Patrick explained as Aaliyah listened attentively.

"You're not like the other men, right?" Aaliyah asked.

"If and when the time comes where I have to care for a woman and her child, I'm not backing down. So no, I'm not like the other men." Aaliyah smiled and handed Patrick the remote.

"Wanna pick a show to watch with me?" She asked. Patrick chuckled and nodded his head.

"Sure. You mind watching Spongebob?" He asked.

To be continued...

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