Pete Imagine: If I Woke Up Next To You...

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Pete Wentz was rarely a morning person, but today, something woke him up. His eyes opened, revealing (H/C) hair and beautiful (S/C) skin.

"(Y/N)." Pete smiled, trailing a hand up your arm.

"Morning Petey." You sighed. You placed a hand on Pete's bare chest and nuzzled your face into his neck. Pete chuckled softly at your breath on his neck, tickling him oh so softly.

"What are you doing here?" Pete yawned, slightly confused.

"What do you mean, baby?" You giggled, placing feather soft kisses along Pete's neck. You then began trailing up his jaw line and making your way to his lips. You straddled his waist, only wearing a white tank top and white underwear. Pete chuckled at the mischievous glint in your eyes as his hands came up to rest on your hips.

"(Y/N), how are you here?" He asked softly, caressing your cheek in the same manor. You smiled and placed your lips ghosting over Pete's own.

"Wake up, Peter." You whispered.

Pete sat up quickly, his lungs gasping for breath. He looked around the room in panic, looking for any sign of you. As usual, your side of the bed was nearly made and it still smelled of you. Once Pete caught his breath, he looked at the picture of you on his night stand.

"Beautiful (Y/N)." He muttered, tracing your face on the picture slightly. Pete laid back in bed and pulled the cover over his head.

After you died a week ago, he wouldn't even leave the bed. He couldn't leave you alone.

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