Patrick Imagine: Helpless

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A/N: Whoops! Another Hamilton song imagine.

You stood at the party with your best friend, Sarah, who was very good at charming the room of people. You on the other hand liked to stay out of the spotlight.

But that changed when he walked in.

Dirty blonde hair, white button up shirt, black cardigan, and black skinny jeans? He was...enchanting. He captured your eyes and heart immediately. Your heart beat perfectly in time with the fast paced song playing. You walked over to Sarah and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey pretty. What's up?" She smiled.

"Do you see him? The guy in the black cardigan?" You asked.

"Um, short, dark blonde right?"


"What about him?"

"I don't know. It's just...there's something about him." Sarah gasped and smirked at your lovesick face.

"You like him don't you?" She teased.

"It's whatever." You blushed. Sarah walked over to the man, leaving you watching in confusion and fear. What is she doing? Sarah grabbed the man by his arm and whispered in his ear.

Great, you thought, another person who falls for Sarah. Typical.

But then, the man looked at you and smiled. It was the first look you got at his blue green eyes. And from there, you knew you were helpless from his charm. You felt as if you were floating on cloud nine and you didn't even talk to the guy. You smiled back, and nervously raised a hand as a wave. The man made his way to you and outstretched a hand.

"Hi, I'm Patrick." He introduced. You took his hand in yours, hoping you didn't look too excited to be touching his hand.

"(Y/N)." You replied. Sarah gave you a look that you immediately understood.

"Wanna get outta this crowded room?" You asked suddenly.

"Lead the way." Patrick chuckled. You made your way to the garden and sat down with Patrick.

"So, what do you do Patrick?" You smiled.

"I'm a singer." Patrick replied.

"Oh! A good singer I hope?"

"I'd like to believe so. I'm going on a little tour tomorrow. Just released a solo album recently."

"What's it called?"

"Soul Punk."

"Unique; I like it." Patrick chuckled and looked at your hand resting so close to his. He slid his hand on top of yours, making you look into his eyes. You noticed a hint of yellow near the pupil.

"So...will you wait for me (Y/N)?" Patrick asked.

"Huh?" You mumbled.

"Wait until I get back from tour to take you on a proper date?" You heart froze as a smile found its way on your face.

"Of course I'll wait." You said softly. Patrick smiled back and connected your lips to his.

"I can't wait until tour is over." He mumbled against your lips.

"Ditto." You agreed before kissing him again.

To be continued...

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