Andy Imagine: Elevator Pt. 2

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*1 hour later*

"I never even really loved him, ya know? I'm young and stupid. It was especially stupid of me to move in with him! I'm could've been sleeping with much more attractive guys." You complained. After an hour trapped in the elevator with Andy, there were no boundaries between you two.

"I hear ya. You are an attractive woman. No reason why you should tie yourself down to one man so soon." He agreed nonchalantly.

"I'm delightful!" You exclaimed.

"Very much so. I'd do you."

"Thank you!" Andy chuckled and laid his head back against the wall of the elevator.

"Believe it or not, I got some shitty news myself before I came down here." He confessed.

"What happened?" You asked.

"My wife filed for a divorce."

"Wife?! We've been talking for a whole hour and you never once mentioned a wife."

"She's leaving me for Sebastian Stan." You're eyes went wide at the name.

"The hot Romanian actor who plays Bucky Barnes in Captain America?" You gasped.

"That's him." Andy sighed.

"That's rough."

"Yep. She always did say if I didn't pay enough attention to her she'd leave me for Sebastian. Tour just got crazy this year and my priorities got twisted beyond any repair."

"I'm real sorry Andy."

"It's fine. Shit happens. Besides, I feel bad for ignoring her. I feel as if she'll be better off with Sebastian. But I'll always be her friend. She's almost as delightful as you."

"Wish I could say the same for my ex. I never wanna see that prick again." You stood up off of the elevator floor and looked Andy in the eye.

"We shouldn't have to keep being hurt like this." You said softly.

"Maybe we shouldn't." He whispered back, eyes staring back into yours.

So excuse me while I grab a knife so I can cut through this sexual tension, please.

To be continued...

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