Patrick Imagine: Treat You Better

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"Yo, (Y/N)! Get your ass over here!" Your douchebag boyfriend, Donald, commanded. You rolled your eyes and walked over to him.

"What is it?" You sighed.

"I need like 15 bucks."

"For what?!"

"I'm hungry."

"And where's your money?"

"Babe, you know I always forget my wallet at home. Just give me the fucking money."

"No! I need this money." Donald grabbed you by your arm and pulled you close to his face.

"Listen bitch, I need the damn money and you're gonna give it to me. Now!" Donald growled. You flinched slightly before feeling the grip on your arm disappear.

"Everything alright over here miss?" A smooth voice asked. You turned around and saw a man with blond hair swooping up. He was looking at you with such kind eyes, you momentarily forgot how to speak.

"Yeah, we're fine." Donald scoffed, taking you hand in his, breaking your trance on the man. The man liked at Donald before bringing his gaze back to you.

"Miss, are you okay?" He asked. You opened your mouth to speak but as no words came out, you just nodded. The man nodded back and took your hand in his.

"Be careful." He mumbled before leaving you dazed and with a note in hand.

"Come on! Now I'm pissed and wanna go home." Donald grumbled, pulling you. You looked down at the note and felt your heart speed up.

Call me if you need someone to talk to?

His number was added at the bottom and you smiled slightly for the first time in months.

A/N: boys are dumb butts. Sebastian never leaves y'all.

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