Andy Imagine: Tortured Souls Pt. 3

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"Please, I know I'm asking a lot, but I need you guys." You begged.

"We don't do stuff like that anymore." He sighed.

"I know, but...just this one time. I need to save somebody and possibly all of rock and roll."

"What's in it for us?"

"Satisfaction of knowing you're doing a good thing?"

"Gotta do better than that kid."

"Protection in the rock and roll database. You'll be immortalized forever as heroes."

"...sounds good enough. We're in." You smiled and shook hands.

"Great doing business with ya Party Poison."


You grabbed your gun and knife looking at the four killjoys surrounding you.

"So we get in, get you friend, take out the blonde bitch, and get out?" Kobra Kid asked.

"Pretty much. Thanks for this you guys." You confirmed.

"It's cool. Bout time we suited up again anyway." Fun Ghoul smirked. I smiled slightly before the van came to a stop.

"This is the address you gave me, right?" Jet Star asked.

"Yeah. They can't move to any other location. We've got 'em trapped." You mumbled.

"Let's get out there." Party Poison huffed.

"Alright, shots are lethal. Don't waste ammo, so try and go for a headshot. I want all the fuckers dead." You ordered.

"Roger that." Fun Ghoul smiled deviously. You all piled out of the van and looked at the building. You then looked down at a locket kept around your neck. You opened the gold heart and saw a picture of you and Andy. You bit your lip and tucked the locket down your shirt. You were bringing the love of your life home today.

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