Andy Imagine: He's Right In Front Of You! Pt. 2

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You walked out of school with your backpack straps clutched tightly in your hands. You had thought about your question all day. Do you like Andy? Or is it just the power of friendship? Whatever it was, it made you confused and angry at yourself.

"(Y/N)!" A voice called. You turned in the direction and saw Andy walking towards you.

"Where are ya going? I barely saw you since our free." He asked.

"I just...I'm pretty tired." You lied. Andy narrowed his eyes at you, but eventually sighed.

"(Y/N), I know there's more to this." He said.

"Nuhuh! This is it."

"At least let me drive you home?"

"Okay." Andy walked next to you as you both walked to his car. He opened your door and you got in, bucking your seatbelt. Andy got in the drivers seat and started to drive to your house. It was silent in the car aside from the radio softly playing some Maroon 5 song. When Andy was outside of your house, he stopped the car and looked at you.

"So are we gonna talk or not? I'm not letting you out until we talk anyway." He sighed. You groaned and rolled your eyes.

"Oh my gosh, why do you have to be so damn difficult! I'm fine!" You yelled.

"Obviously you're not (Y/N)! I'm sorry I care!"

"Maybe that's the problem!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You care too much and you confuse me Andrew! I think I like you, but I'll never know if you like me back, because you treat me just like you treat everyone else!"

"Did you ever think about asking me?!"

"Don't need to know now because I already know your answer!"

"What is it then?!"

"It's a big fat no!" Suddenly you were cut off by Andy reaching across the the armrest of your chair and kissing the life out of you. All your sudden anger disappeared as you kissed back eagerly. When he pulled back, you were breathless.

"I don't know if you realized, but that was anything but no." He commented. You smiled slightly and pulled him into another kiss, fogging up the car windows.

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