Pete Imagine: Girl You Might Hold Your Breath

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Have you ever heard your lungs screaming for air? Crying? Contracting? Begging?

That's how you felt right now.

You willed yourself to keep your eyes opened, but they obviously had some objections towards your plan. All your eyes wanted to do was close and drift away peacefully.

But you were not done fighting.

You could feel the individual beats of your heart as they ran through your body. How much longer would this take?

Your mind felt fuzzy and it was getting hard to keep a single thought. Your brain was just scattered at this point.

Finally, you gave up and let your eyes close. You fell onto the couch limply. Just then, the door opened and Pete walked in.

"(Y/N), I'm home!" He called. Pete stepped into the living room and paused. Seeing you passed out on the couch.

"(Y/N)!" He exclaimed, running to you. He pulled your limp body into his arms and started shaking you.

"Oh baby girl, please come back to me. (Y/N)!" He yelled. Your eyes slowly opened to see Pete's tear filled ones.

"What happened?" You sighed. Pete smiled in relief and wiped his eyes.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing." He chuckled.

"I had the hiccups and then I was holding my breath. Next thing I know, you're holding me." You explained. Pete's face deadpanned and he dropped your body on the ground.

"Ouch." You pouted.

"You held your breath and made yourself pass out...again?" He exclaimed.

"...but the hiccups."

"Dammit (Y/N), I still can't believe I love you." You smiled and crawled into Pete's lap as he sat back on the floor next to you.

" it really that hard to believe though? I mean, look at me." You teased. Pete chuckled and placed his lips to yours. He pulled back momentarily to catch his breath.

"It actually isn't." He replied softly, before resuming the kiss.

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