Joe Imagine: Glow Up

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A/N: Requested by @InsaneLynx. Here is the definition of glow up taken from the urban dictionary. To go from the bottom to the top to the point of disbelief. An incredible transformation.

Turning 16 was a big deal for you. You had (somewhat) grown through your early teen awkward phase. Life wasn't all that hard anymore! That is...until you caught wind of Joe Trohman.

Joe had been that quiet kid with glasses, braces, and acne who sat in the back of the class. He wasn't smart, but he wasn't stupid. He was just your average student. You had always liked Joe. You two talked a lot in English, math, and biology. After sophomore year though...Joe had the biggest glow of this lifetime.

You first saw him on the back to school dance. Your school held one every year where everyone could just enjoy the last day of summer before school. You wore a (favorite color) dress with black flats. You had initially went to the party just to see your friend, but it turned into a time to catch up on the latest summer gossip.

"Pete and Patrick totally hooked up." Your friends said.

"No way!" You gasped.

"Way! It didn't work out though. They're just friends now and have girlfriends."

"Damn, I lowkey shipped it."

"Same!" You and your friend laughed before high fiving each other.

"Hey do you think Joe's coming?" You wondered.

"I wouldn't count on it. You know how everyone teased him about his looks." Your fried said.

"That's stupid. Joe is nice and he's kinda cute."

"Too bad everyone doesn't feel like that." You scoffed and rolled your eyes.

"Holy smokes, who is that fine piece of boy?" Your friend gasped.

"Where?" You asked. Then you saw him. A nicely pressed suit, pimples gone, and Afro cut down. The only thing you recognized about him was his green braces.

"Joe!" You exclaimed. Joe looked over at you and waved happily. The whole party suddenly got quiet. Joe looked gorgeous! You walked towards him and threw your arms around him in a hug.

"I was wondering if you'd ever come." You smiled.

"My car broke down. I was fixing it and it made me late." He explained.

"Jesus kid, you seriously changed over the summer."

"Yeah. Looks like my glow up finally hit." You and Joe laughed.

"Doesn't matter what you look like. You're still that sweetheart from sophomore year and my good friend." You said softly.

"I mean, I was hoping we could be more than good friends." Joe suggested.

"What, like best friends?"

"N-No. I mean like, boyfriend and girlfriend." You blushed and smiled.

"Yeah, we could totally do that." You replied quickly.

"Awesome! you wanna dance with me?" Joe laughed happily.

"Yeah." You danced with Joe as your friend just nodded in approval.

"Yas (Y/N). Go get your mans boo boo." They mumbled.

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