Joe Imagine: Library

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You sat in the library with your headphones in your ear and your textbook out for you to take notes. 8th period study hall was mainly deserted because everyone had already went home. You didn't care to go home though. You parents wouldn't be home from work until late and the big empty house sometimes got too depressing. You let Paramore hype you into getting work done. Just as you put the pen to your notebook, the library doors slammed open. You peered over your textbook and your face instantly turned crimson watching Joe Trohman laughing with his friends, Andy, Pete, and Patrick.

"Hey guys, shut up. Someone's studying in here." You heard Joe warn. Oh shoot! He actually noticed you! You hid behind your book, hearing the other boys teasing Joe.

"Aww, that your girlfriend Joey?" Pete snickered.

"When are you gonna introduce us?" Andy smirked heard in his words.

"She's in my English literature class. She's very quiet but sweet. It's not fair if we disturb her." Joe stuttered.

"Yeah okay Joe. We should go over and apologize now." Patrick said, playfulness laced in his tone. Damn it! They were coming over here. You'd honestly die of embarrassment. You tried to pack your stuff into your bag quickly. They came to your table just before you shoved in your textbook.

"Oh jeeze are you leaving because of us?" Andy asked worriedly.

'Yes,' You thought, but just shook your head no.

"Joe just wanted to apologize for being so loud." Patrick said, nudging Joe in the ribs.

"I'm really sorry about that (Y/N). We didn't mean to disturb you." He apologized. You gave a small smile that nearly caused Joe to have a heart attack.

"It's fine." You shrugged. Joe just smiled, love struck, as the guys chuckled.

"Hey (Y/N), you hungry? Joe was taking us out for a quick bite to eat if you wanted to come with." Patrick offered, with a devious smirk adorning his face.

"I don't wanna intrude." You said hesitantly.

"Nonsense! You have to come." Pete exclaimed.

"Do you want me to come?" You asked, looking over at Joe.

"Totally." He sighed. You smiled and threw your back pack over your shoulder.

"Well thanks guys." You said thankfully. Pete threw an arm around your shoulder with a welcoming smile.

"No problem. Let's get to the car." He said, steering you in the direction of the school's exit. Joe shook his head watching you leave with Pete and Patrick.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"You're taking us out for a quick bite my friend." Andy smirked, patting Joe on the back.

To be continued...

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